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The hospital had let daisy go but not without tell her the reason she passed out yesterday afternoon. The director had inform daisy had atrial fibrillation it's when her heart would increase because of anxiety causing her to have panic attack and shorten of breathe and to pass out.

They had gave her pills to prevent those things ever happening again. They also told her her wounds are healing from the accident and there's nothing broken in her body.

Karen had picked her up on their way daisy tells Karen she needs to stop by at Jake house. Daisy tells Karen she will be home later and gets out of the car.

Daisy knocks on the door and the door opens by Peyton and which she stood dumbfounded. "Daisy." Peyton says astonish to see her here.

"Who's at the—-." Jake stops in the middle of his sentence like he has seen a ghost. He didn't think he would be seeing her anytime.

Daisy invites her self and Peyton says bye to Jake and looks at daisy and daisy eyes doesn't meet hers and Peyton sighs and she leaves.

"What you doing here?" Jake says

"What am I doing here, what is she doing here?" Daisy hissed

"She's been helping me for the past few days." Jake says like it wasn't a problem

"Are you two like dating or something?"

"Why would you ask that. I'm dating you." He says

"Really because you haven't visited me in the hospital." He didn't say anything but looked down at the floor "that actually hurts my feeling. Do you not want to be with me anymore? Is that it?" She says

"No." He walks over to her "daisy, I love you." He takes a hold of her hands

"Then why didn't you visit me." She said sadly

"It was already hard enough that I heard you got into a car crash and then the doctor saying you might die. I couldn't just stick around and it was too much." He says his eyes becoming glossy.

Daisy reach up to touch his cheeks "baby" she pulls him into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." He says and she pulls awake from the hug but not completely. She got lost into his brown eyes and Jake slowly leans in and kiss the blonde.

Her lips molds to his, holding on for dear life and trying keep up with the frantic mingling of breath and hands as he takes control of her mouth and obliterates any grasp she have on why Peyton was here so early in the morning.

His hands start to move down her pants and starts unbuttoning her jeans and daisy pulls away out of breath "isn't Jenny here?"

"Jenny with my parents." He says and press his lips back to hers. She wanted to say something but she didn't want to ruin the moment.

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