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Week has past and daisy been ignoring both Peyton and Jake the best she can. The only time she had to face Peyton because of cheerleading. She didn't want to believe what she saw but she couldn't.

It was Friday and daisy was stressed and pissed off the annual cheerleading was coming up tomorrow and she needed the team to be ready.

Outside the school daisy and the girls are practicing their cheer "ready?" She ask

"Your can't shoot. You can't score. You will beat us nevermore. Go ravens go..." the girls cheer

Haley and Lucas are walking near them.

Lucas intends on going along to support his team mates. He invites Haley to accompany him and she agrees to go. Catching up with Nathan to tell him, Nathan has better news and tells her that he has got the apartment he applied for after being officialy emancipated from his parents.

Brooke and daisy is looking at each girls in the line and daisy shakes her head "no. No." She rubs her temple

"Okay.Theresa, terrible posture. Pinch that penny. Bevin, you need...a breath mint." She looks at Peyton and rolls her eyes "Peyton. Nice form."

"And excellent betrayal of a best friend." Brooke adds and daisy snickers as she keep walking past each girl.

"Wrong. Wrong. You guys! This weekend is the Classic. It's our biggest cheer competition. Aren't you sick of Clair Young and Bear Creek Warriors taking home the trophy every year? Because I am. We need to get it together here and I'm not just talking about our routine. I'm talking hair, nails...underarms, Theresa." She says

"Daisy, cheerleading is supposed to be fun." Bevin says and daisy rolls her arms

"Yeah? Well winning's funner. And if you don't like it you can go cheer for the wrestling team. Take five you know what two minutes."

"Okay, you know what? I don't know what I did to you to make you hate me. Fine. Just don't take it out on our squad." Peyton says

Daisy scoffs "Everything is not about you, Peyton. Did you ever think that maybe I'm being a psycho-hose-beast because I want us to do well this weekend?."

"Those judges are not going to be as forgiving as I am."Brooke adds.

"Hey, take over I need a break." She tells Brooke and grabs her bag and leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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