Y/N day off and Winter Loyatly

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You got up from you bed and began to put on your armor.

Y/N: Hmmm..

You looked at yourself in your armor.

Pyrrha hugs you from behind.

Pyrrha: Why don't you take a day off?

Y/N: And let Nora be in charge?! NOOOOO THANK YOU!!!

Pyrrha: Come on. Your stressed you need a day off. Beside Alice got it for you.


She giggles as she knew you can't deny her.

After you walked to Alice and told her your talking the day off she nods and did what need to be done.

Y/N:......what now?

Pyrrha: I....this sounded so much better in my head.

Y/N: We could always check on the people.

She nods and walked with you around town.

- With Cardin -

Cardin woke up from his sleep.

He lived in a house that he honestly feels like he doesn't deserve.

He lived in a massive mansion that he owned.

It was mostly because of his past. Because he was such a major bastard and a prick he felt like he didn't deserve it.

He went to get up only to be slammed down.

Velvet was in bed with him and snuggle up to him sleeping.

He gulps.

That right now he remembers she was in heat.

He had to get out for his live.

Velvet is usually shy but when she in heat.

She a nightmare with extreme teasing and major turn on only to stop and pretend nothing happened.

But that nothing compared to Alice.

He finally did got up and walked to his cybernetic arm and tried to get it on.

Velvet yawns and wakes up and walked to him.

Velvet: Let me help.

She helps him connect his arm to his body.

Cardin: You wake up Rin and I will make breakfast.

Velvet: You make food?

Cardin: My teammate were fucking slackers.

He walked to the kitchen and began making breakfast.

Velvet walked to Rin room.

She didn't have any guardian and her parents were dead.

Which from what Velvet heard from Rin they weren't good ones. They neglected her and only cared about her other siblings.

She gently shakes the sleeping young rabbit.

Velvet: Rin wake up.

Rin: Nooooo....

She cuddled the rabbit plushie more.

Velvet lightly chuckled.

It felt like she was her daughter.

Which she didn't mind adopting her.

There was a loud banging on the door

???: CARDIN!!!!!

He sighed and opened the door.

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