Arcadia the Kingdom not to be fucked with.

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Raven was watching the people in the kingdom.

Raven: Ohhh Faunus's. Nice to torture when we get board. Plenty of man and woman.

She runs to plan her attack.

You were looking around for Nora.

Y/N: Nora where are you? Breakfast is ready.

You were in the dungeon as that was the last place you look.

You saw a letter in the Punishment~ room and it was from Nora.

You picked up and read it.

Nora: Roses are red. Violets are blue.

You chuckled then your face paled.

Nora: I'm Queen of the Castle and I'm coming whether you like it not.

You then felt pushed into a chair and tied up.



Alice was dusting your room when she heard a load groan.

Alice: "Sigh......Nora the Queen of the Castle."

- At Raven Camp -

Raven: Once we attack the Civilians we should lure Y/N out. Then I will absorb his powers with this ring,

Bandit: What will we do?

Raven: Kill the civilians.

He nods.

Raven: soon we will have our own Kingdom. I will rule as Queen. And we will have whatever we want.

They bow to geez

She chuckled darkly.


They nod and ran to their assign area.

Raven walked off with a sway of her hips.

Not noticing a man with a cybernetic arm watching.

He then almost instantaneously vanished.

Raven got in her area and watched.

Raven: Oh so Kali there good. I can force the White fang to do whatever I want.

She chuckled.

Raven: Alright boys kill them. But leave the female and Faunus alive. I have plans for them.

Raven: boys?

She checked her earpiece.

She then felt a gun on her head.

She turn around to see Coco and Velvet aiming a mini gun at her.

Coco: Hands up.

Raven: You fool. I'm far stronger.

Velvet: Don't make me call my boyfriend.

Raven: Ohhhhh I'm so fucking scared wabbit.

Velvet:........RGHHHHHH CARDIN!!!!!

Raven laughed out loud.

Raven: Cardin what he going to do.

She then realize she was tied ups

Cardin: That.

Raven active her maiden powers but Cardin Cybernetic arm absorbs it.

Raven: W-What the fuck is that?

Cardin: Your people are dead. Their not even good at a fight.

He threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the throne room.


Cardin: SHUT UP!!


Cardin slams her face to a tree.

Cardin: Oops my bad.

He chuckled.

Coco: Nice one Cardin.

Velvet: How did you know about this?

Cardin: Overheard then earlier.

Velvet smiles.

Once they got to the throne room, Cardin threw her at you.


Cardin rolls his eyes.

Cardin: I'm not the one who tried to kill other people.

Raven: The weak dies while the strong survives.

Cardin:.............please let me kill her.

Velvet stroke his arms.

Velvet: Behave Cardin. She not worth it.

Y/N:......I'm right here you know.

Raven: What? Your Y/N Arc?

You nod.

Raven: I was expecting someone......older.

Y/N: and I was expecting someone who was smart.

Raven: Asshole.

Y/N: I don't tolerate this.

Raven: Oh what are you going to do about it!

Y/N: You are hereby sent to the dungeon. I will be taking away your semblances and your sprin maiden powers,

You snapped your fingers.

Raven got out of her bonds and tried to use her maiden powers to kill you.

Only for them to not work.

Raven: What the....

Ruby: What is this?

She was holding the orb of the maiden powers.

Raven shakes and pulls out her sword and swing it to make a portal.

Only it didn't work.

Raven: What the?!

You pull out the orb of her Semblances.

Y/N: Looking for this?

She see it and was shaking in fear.

You crushed the orb making her aura scattered.

She collapsed to her knees.

Y/N: Hey Cardin can you take her to the dungeons

Cardin: Sure bro.

He grabs her by the hair and yanks her to the dungeon.

Y/N: Hmmm....

Pyrrha sat on your lap.

Pyrrha: What wrong hon?

Y/ war now....Salem and Ironwood....

She kissed your lips.

Pyrrha: I will stand with you.

You smiled at her.

- In the dungeon-

Raven hands were chained to the wall.

She was butt naked as she was shaking.

Raven: What is he going to do to me?

( well that it for this chapter.

You decide Raven fate.

I wonder what will happen next?

Who will attack first?

I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all in the next chapter)

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