Only Using me for my powers

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You woke up from your sleep.

It was another day.

You felt Pyrrha cuddling up to you.

Y/N: Babe time to get up.

Pyrrha: Noooo~ it warm here.

You chuckled.

You kissed her head and let her rest.

You went to make breakfast.

You felt Alice tapped you.

Y/N: Yes Alice?

Alice: " We need to have a talk about this."

Y/N: About what?

Alice: " Beacon is only using you for your power. Think about it. Almost everyone is being nice to you because of it."

Y/N: But Cardin and I are bro.

Alice gently smiles.

Alice: " Some People really mean it. Cardin,Glynda,Blake.....but almost everyone else that mistreated you is only using you for your powers."

You pet her hair making her blush and purr a little.

Y/N: Look Alice everyone likes me now.

Alice sadly sighed.

She really does she loved you. You just make her happy. Make her forget her pain and her past. You were just so obvious.

Alice: " Of you ever grow tired of it. You can live at my place with my sisters."

Y/N: Alright.

She nods.

As the day went by you began to think more and more of what Alice has said.

It is true most of the people grown to like you just for your powers.

Cardin: Hey ok Jaune?

Y/N: Sorry just thinking.

He set his plate near you.

Cardin: What about?

Y/N: Have you noticed that...ever since I got released from the hospital.....people...treated me differently

Cardin: You just noticed?

Y/N: What?

Cardin facepalm.

Cardin: Since you got out of the hospital things been different.

You nod.

Y/N: Yea me and Pyrrha are dating.

Cardin: Along with Ruby,Nora and Ren.

You nod.

Y/N: I will hook you up with someone.

Cardin: Thanks man.

You saw Atlas soldiers coming and going around Beacon.

Y/N: What going on?

Cardin eyes widen.

Cardin: I thought you knew.

You shake your head.

He leans to your ears.

Cardin: You need to get out now Y/N.

Y/N: Cardin what going on?

Cardin: it just a rumor but I heard Ironwood is going to use you for his own gain. He managed to convince Ozmina that Salem must be dealt with.

The Pain he hides. ( Male suicidal "Jaune" Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now