War for Remnants/ a new Queen

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Cardin eyes slowly opens.

He groans in pain.

Cardin: Urghh....what happen? Where am I?

He looks around to see it morning around 9 am.

He tried to get up but he felt nothing on his left arm.

He then remembered everything.

Cardin: Damn it......how am I going to fight with just one arm....I mean Y/N can...but I can't.

He felt something move on his arm.

He looks to see Velvet asleep on it.

Cardin: Velvet?

She woke up rubbing her eyes.

Her eyes widen when she saw Cardin Awake.

Velvet: CARDIN!!

She hugs him shocking him.


Velvet loosen her hug.

Velvet: Sorry. You had a lot of injuries.

Cardin: It alright Velvet....honestly I deserve it from you from what I did.

She smiles.

Cardin: Where am I?

Velvet: Your in Arcadia. In the royal castle medical room.

Cardin: Never Been here before........wow....nice pad.

She giggles.

Cardin: I tried saving everyone.....

Velvet: You can't save everyone Cardin....you did your best that all that maters.


Velvet: What wrong?

Cardin: My own team turned on me......they chosen Ironwood.

Velvet: I'm sorry Cardin.

Cardin: What's happens now?

Velvet: You get a new arm.

He nods.

You walked in with a cybernetic arm.

Y/N: Hey pal.

Cardin: Y/N my man what going on?

Y/N: Well.....your about to experience pain.

Cardin: Haven't I already did?

You chuckled.

Y/N: so...this is going to burn and hurt like hell.

Cardin: You could have just lie a little.

Y/N: I would but that not what true friendship is.

Cardin chuckles.

Velvet: Do you have to be ass Y/N? He just lost his arm.

Y/N: Sorry.

Cardin: Let be honesty I deserve.AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

You started installing his new arm.

- With Pyrrha -

She was snuggling up to Ruby.

Pyrrha: Hehehe that was fun

Ruby: Yea.....I like sex.

Pyrrha: Try not to get addicted to it.

She nods.

Ruby: Yawn.....your lucky to be Queen.

Pyrrha: My parent were so shock.

She nods.

Ruby: so...am I Queen as well?

Pyrrha: Hehe you have to ask Alice. You alright got a crown on your head.

She feels her head and felt a crown on it. It was smaller than Pyrrha's but it was still beautiful.

Ruby: Ummm ok.

She got up and put on her usual outfit and walked towards Alice.

Ruby: Hi Alice.

She smiles at her.

Ruby: Am I Queen?

She nods.

Ruby: Really?!

Alice: " Queen of Moonlight"

Ruby:.....that make no sense.

Alice: "deal with it."

She nods.

She saw Sienna signing a treaty between Arcadia and the White Fang.

Blake:....never thought that....

Ruby: You ok Blake?

She nods.

Blake: There going to be fallout.

Ruby: I'm sure it not that bad.

Blake: Trust me Ruby......Ironwood is not who he said he is.

- In Atlas -

Ironwood: The rest of Cardin Team joined our cause.

???: Good.

Ironwood: I have made Ozmina my pet. Thank for the ability.

???: But of course. Ozmina can't use her magic anymore.

Ironwood: What now sir.

???: Now that Beacon has fallen. And we have faunus's enslaved once more. It time to show the world how they really are...NOTHING BUT SCUMS AND SLAVE!!!

He nods.

Ironwood: Y/N...

???: Yes....he will regret giving Faunus equality....hehehe....Monty not the only God in here.

Ironwood bows and walked to his office to "Play" with his pet.

- Salem Castle.-

Hazel: Order My Queen.

She giggles like a manic.

Salem: Bring me my King~

- Somewhere-

???: We have everything leader.

Raven: Good.

She walked to the road to Arcadia with her bandit gang.

Raven: Soon Arcadia and Y/N powers will be mine.

( Well that it for this chapter.

Ruby has become queen.

Ironwood declares war.

But also Salem.

Raven is near to attack your kingdom.

What will happen next?

Who will be Queen next?

I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all in the next chapter)

The Pain he hides. ( Male suicidal "Jaune" Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now