(Prologue) The Knight Pain

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( Rwby is owned by Mounty Oum and Rosters Teeth.)

( Warning this chapter has suicidal thoughts and attempts. So people who are suffering with it I don't think you want to read it. I truly care for you all and I don't want to bring up bad memories by accident. If you do proceed please take caution.)

How far?

How far's does it take for anyone to understand your pain?

When you snap and kill everyone?

When they see your tears?


When you almost take your life?

It pains me to see that it may already be too late when you realize their pain.

You wondered how it got to this. This way.

- Flashbacks-


Pyrrha: No Cardin tonight? I thought the two of you were best of friends.

She laughed a bit.

Y/N: Look Pyrrha. I'm sorry I yelled at you.

Pyrrha: No I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed you.

Y/N: Does your offer still stand?

Pyrrha: Sure! We will have a daily training session.

Y/N: Thank Pyrrha your the best.

Pyrrha blush's.

Pyrrha: Thank you Y/N.

- Flashbacks ends-

She kept her word.

For about 2 months you been training with her.

You were in the cafeteria with your friends.

Ruby: So how everything?

Y/N: Great I been spending a lot of time with my team.

Pyrrha: Yes~

Ren: Your like a brother to me Y/N.

Nora: Yea....Ren Pancakes please?

Y/N: Didn't you have 50 already?

Nora: Your point?

Y/N:......I pity you Ren.

Ren: Preach it brother.

Y/N: So Weiss how your day?

Weiss didn't even acknowledge you.

You sigh.

Yang: It will happen give it time.

It was going great.

Blake: How your arm since they threw you off the roof.

Y/N: Ok.

She smiles.

And then.

How it got all worst.

Cardin: Hey Jaune!

He put his arms around you.

Y/N: What do you want Cardin? And it Y/N! Jaune is a nickname.

Pyrrha: I like it.

Cardin: Ohh what am I not allowed to hangout with my buddy?

Y/N: Urghh.

Weiss: You buddy with him? Suit you for your lack of experience.

Yang: Hmmm...

Y/N: What?

The Pain he hides. ( Male suicidal "Jaune" Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now