Cardin Greatest Battle/ An Arrange Marriage

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Atlas: YOU FUCKING.....

The man face was slammed to the ground by a mace.


The Faunus he help saved ran to the bullhead that was gathering people to take them to Arcadia.

He looks around.

Cardin: First Grimm's now Atlas this day is getting worst by the second.

He ran to a cage and unlocked it.

Cardin: GO GO!!!

He ran to destroy more Atlas Robot.

Cardin: that everyone?

He looks around and see the rest being shoved in Atlas warhead.

He jumped on one and beat the glass of the pilot and threw him out for the Grimm to eat.

Cardin went inside and charged.

-With Ironwood-

Ironwood see Beacon boring from the tower.

Ironwood: It didn't have to end this way Ozmina.

Ozmina covered her naked body.

Ozmina: Your a monster.

Ironwood: Oh I am? Let not forget who started this whole war.

Ozmina: Y/N isn't the cause of this war.

Ironwood: Quit lying.


Ironwood: And I don't care. He broke a law regardless how little it is.

Ozmina: YOUR A SCUM!

He shot her leg.

Ozmina: AHHHHHH!!!

Ironwood punch her guts and her face.

Ironwood: Oh I'm going to have fun~

He takes off his coat making Ozmina shake in fear.

His scroll went off.

???: Sir Cardin is freeing Faunus.

Ironwood looks shocked.

Ironwood: Grrrr I will deal with it myself.

He walks off.

Ozmina has a smile.

Ozmina: You really have changed and Y/N have a bond. Brother in arms for life.....I hope you don't have to suffer for this...but I fear you may.

She then started sobbing.

- With Cardin -

He see the bullheads taking off.

Cardin: That all we can save.

Ironwood: Cardin what are you doing?

He looks at Ironwood and get in a stance.

Ironwood: What the fuck happened to you? You know what the faunus are. Scum! Monster! Slave!

Cardin: Your the one to talk.

Ironwood threw a young rabbit faunus girl in front of him.

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