Just another day in Beacon/Powers awaken and revealed

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( Disclaimer Rwby is owned by Mounty Oum and Rosters Teeth.)

You woke up and you felt something heavy on your chest.

You looked to see Pyrrha.

Y/N: ( She is so beautiful.)

You pet her hair and you saw her smile.

Y/N: So beautiful.

She stirred and she slowly opens her eyes.

Pyrrha: mmm...what time is it?

Y/N: 7:00.

Pyrrha: Really? Then let get you released honey.

You blushed.

Pyrrha giggles at your face.

Pyrrha: Am I not allowed to call my boyfriend honey~

Y/N: Uhhhhhh.

Pyrrha: It settled I am.

Y/N: Ok.

She brought the nurse who gave you the go.

But not before calling you a scum.

It was to be excepted since your secret was revealed.

You and Pyrrha began walking towards Port class.

Pyrrha haven't told anyone you were released from the medical room. She wanted it to be a surprised.

And if she wanted to spend some alone time with you if she was being honest.

Y/N: I am prepared for detention.

Pyrrha: You have a good reason to be late.

Y/N: I guess.

She hugs you.

Pyrrha: Just be you.

Y/N: Ok.

You both entered Port classroom.

Getting surprised glares from everyone.

Some were happy to see you.

Some where actually shock you lived.

And the majority were glaring at you cause you were being hug and had your arms around Pyrrha.

Their just jealous.

Port: Ahh Miss Nikos right on time. Mr.Arc your late again.

Y/N: I was in the medical bay.

Port: That is no..

Pyrrha: It is an excuse became he couldn't leave till they released him and they were taking their sweet time.

Port growls he wasn't going to win this on.

Port: Just take a fucking seat scum.

You and Pyrrha sat next to your team.

Weiss: Hmp.

Ruby: I'm glad he ok.

Blake: Y/N.....

Yang: Ahh he will forgive us after all we were just joking around.

Weiss: Hmp! Scum.

Ruby: Stop calling him that.

Weiss: and why should I? He faked his way in here only people who earned their way here should be here.

Y/N: I can hear you.

They look at him shock as they were in the back.

Pyrrha: What are they saying?

The Pain he hides. ( Male suicidal "Jaune" Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now