The Happy ending

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- 10 years later -


Mika giggles as she runs away from her mother.

Pyrrha: I'm going to get you.

Mika hide's behind her father throne.

She looks to see her mother nowhere than all the sudden she was lifted up into the air.

Pyrrha: GOTCHA!!


Pyrrha began tickling her side making Mika struggle and laugh.


Pyrrha: Let get you ready for school.

She help Mika get ready for school by putting on the Arcadia school uniform.

Pyrrha: There we go. I have too?

Pyrrha: Yes sweetheart it not so bad. You get to make your first weapon today.

She hugs her mother as she hugged back.

- Cardin Household -

Rin was sleeping.

Being 15 she had grown quite a bit.

But she picked up so badddddd habits.

Cardin: Rin sweetheart time to get up.


She covered her head with the pillow.

Cardin: Oh dear.


Rin: ( I wonder who I got it from.)

Velvet calmed down and walked in.

Velvet: Good morning.

She took the pillow.

Rin eyes widen as Velvet was walking towards the window.

Velvet: Such a lovely day.

Rin: Mom no ononononononono!!!

She pulls the binds off making sunlike coming in and making Rin scream as sunlight invaded her eyes.

Velvet: Breakfast.

Rin: I don't want it.

Velvet: Fine then. Ass whooping.

Rin:.....can I pick the other option.

Cardin slowly walked out of the room and closed the door.

Velvet: No you can not. You know better than to curse at your father young lady.

Rin pouts.

Velvet: Get up or it will be worst.

Cardin walked to a different room seeing a baby girl.

He winced hearing slaps and Rin saying sorry.

Cardin: That Bumny girl gone full mother mode.

He picked up the baby girl who yawns and hugs Cardin.

Cardin: man I'm fuck in more than one way.

???: Fuck...

His eyes widen as he slowly looks at his daughter.

He heard slapping sounds behind him.

Cardin: Babe...babe no. Look I will be better. Babe please BABE NOOOOOO!!!

- Arcadia School -

Mika was sitting in class wondering who her new teacher going to be.

The door opened.

A man walked in with a cane.

Everyone eyes widen as they see him.

???: Good morning I will be your teacher. You may call me.

Monty Oum.

Mika:..your our teacher.

Monty: indeed I will be.

He wrote some stuff on the board.

Monty: I'm going to tell you a story.

Mika: What story?

He smiled.

Monty: There once was a boy named Y/N Arc.

- With you -

You were on top of Arcadia.

Seeing your wife's and everyone happy.

Y/N: Heheh....not bad for a kid with fake transcripts.

You often thought of what would happen if things went differently.

Your whole life change in that one moment.

And in that moment you discover that strength doesn't mean a hero.

A hero must be humble must be kind must be loyal.

He must be willing to give his life to save someone he doesn't even know.

As you look down at your castle looking through the window seeing Salem.

She was smiling holding a baby in her arms.

This may be the end of your story.

But your kids story's.

And Rin's.

Are just beginning.

( and that the end.

Thank you guys for reading this book.

So it seems Cardin won the vote.

I'm going to do my best.

But I may be out of character with the whole thing but I will do my best.

Anyway I do hope you enjoyed the story and check out my others I think you may enjoy it.

Your choice.

But regardless thank you for your support.

I will see you all in the next Book.


I'm going to make one more chapter.

It going to be a big Blooper one...

But that is if you want too.)

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