(Chapter 6) Malak's Pov lemon

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I watched my little angel through the glass eye. Mmm, she's so...hot. I wish she could just be Mine Already.. But unfortunately, she can't be mine...for now.~ She makes me want to open these damn doors and take her. Oh, I just want to hear her scream my name in pleasure. To beg me to be in her.. Oh mm. That'll be so fun and sexy too.~

I whined in pleasure when I felt something in my pants. I growled her name under my breath. 'Fuck, Yn. Please take me, baby.~ Please.~' I moaned in pleasure. I didn't care if my minions heard me I needed her now. I want her, and most of all, I want her to take me, I couldn't take it anymore I growled Underneath my Breath Moaning and Groaning out her name over and over again. 'Please baby, please. I want you, I need you~ please, oooh mmm Aaah!~"

I started to stroke myself imagining that the beautiful mortal which will be my future wife doing this madness to me. I started to stroke myself harder and harder.

"Baby! Please I- Ahhhh!~ Please please please!~ Baby I'll be a good pet to you just please ahhh!~

I Moaned out in pleasure as my eyes rolled into the back of my head, I came but made a huge mess to clean up. Which I didn't have to, Because I still have my powers still. With a snap of my finger, my room was clean. Not only that I wore some pajamas that matched my original clothing but different.

I had a picture of my future queen on my nightstand. I pretended that she was with me right now, Lying right next to me. With a smile on her face.

'Oh, love please just be with me right now when you get the chance. I love you so much

I said as tiredness took over me. After I said that I closed my eyes to dream of my future love that is my future wife.

Why can't you just be with me right now, love? It breaks me every time that you have to go...I don't want you to go. I love you so much love and I'll only love you, Once I get that hag out of our way we'll be together forever.. I promise



Soon we'll be together....




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