(Chapter 2) Monkey Business

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As Bierce was guiding me to the portal with a monkey with teeth in its mouth. I felt a strange vibe, telling me that I wasn't safe. I looked back at Bierce with a stern look. I didn't want to go into the portal, but most of all I didn't want to disappoint Bierce.

The door. It keeps watching me, I don't like it when someONE or someTHING is watching me. I've been having a hell of Questions swarming in my head like 'What does he want from me? Why does he watch my every move? What is he thinking right now about me? Does he want to kill me? Does he HATES me?' I'll think about it later.

I just want to go home. To see my family, my friends, My pet dog/cat/fish other. As I in my train of thought, Bierce yells my name to go into the portal I saw a long corridor with a door at the end of the corridor.

"Clock's ticking...." I heard her say in an almost impatient voice. I ran to the door, with almost my legs hurting and started to pant a little. 'Phew, why does she have a long corridor?' I thought to myself, I brushed it off and went in the door.

As I went in I saw A beautiful hotel behind the door, I smiled in awe as my head clicks a memory I remembered the memory that I was in the same hotel with me being here with my parents. But I didn't want to remember that memory...After what My fake friend did to me.

"What a charming little hotel...Bring back any memories?" I frowned in disappointment and just shook my head. As I walked to the corridor filled with pictures on the wall, I turned my head to see a golden brown door, I looked at the elevator with a blank expression.

As I walked to the Elevator, I saw a gigantic Monkey in the elevator. I took a step back in fear and tried to wait for a minute to get back in the elevator without the monkey in it.

I smiled in satisfaction and walked in. As I went in the elevator I pressed the up button to go up. "Going up?" I hear Bierce say in confusion voice. I nodded with emotion and waited for the elevator to stop moving. Which appears it did, I stepped out of the elevator I saw the ring alter that Bierce was talking about before. I started around scanning the place. I think I know where to go first. As I was about to start walking Bierce stopped me.

"Now Listen Closely...See those floating bits of crystal? Those are soul shards, Fragments of human spirit scattered throughout the halls of this little maze. Each crystal is remnant of one who has met their end here. Gather them all, and the first ring will be yours. One more thing. You're not alone. There are monsters in here, and they're looking for you. Here you'll need this It can detect shard's Location. It was left by the last...Guest to disappoint me here. A very clever girl. Just not a very fast runner. Enough instruction. Break those boards and let's get this party started!"

I nodded as I broke the boards by running into them

~Timeskip by suffering into writing this whole story because of a stupid decision I made qwq~

"You've gathered all of the shards. The ring piece is now exposed. And the monsters will go into a frenzy. Get to the ring piece before Mr. Monkey finds you!" She said with mixed emotions filled her voice.

As I started taking off I saw the ring alter so I touched it and it gave me the ring piece.

"Hrggh...Who dares!?" Said an angry voice filled with greed

"Shoot he knows you're here now, you need to escape, get to the portal hurry!" Bierce said with panic and worry

I got into the elevator literally panicking as the monkey with red eyes bloody eyes broke the door and ran to me, As he tried to run to get me it was too late, the elevator closed. I sighed in relief and happiness, But that stopped...I felt panicked again when I heard angry monkeys and Bierce's voice again.

"Run, Run!" Bierce said in Panic and fear.

I ran as fast as I can to the portal Until I heard a Husky voice again.

"There's no escape for you, Sweetheart~"

I panicked. I ran as fast as I can to the door until the monkeys were on my trail. The Monkeys almost caught me but it was too late, I entered the portal.

Finally... I escaped...I was happy and glad that I escaped. But I knew had to do more tasks...

"...Good! you made it. And I see you've met my friend, Sooner than I was expecting..."

"...Bierce! Still so Persistent after all of this time...Sweetie Do not listen to her. She's just using you. Giving her the ring and there will be consequences. This is your only warning...Help her and will suffer."

He said in a sweet voice.

"Pay no attention to him! His powers can not reach you here. The ring piece. Place it at the alter. NOW!... It's been so long...The ring piece is called the riddle of heaven. An ironic name don't you think? A demon's power is contained inside it; the creature of infinite cruelty that you met already...Malak. Complete the ring, and you can use Malak's power to fulfill your darkest desires...Or so the legend goes."

I listened in Awe, I never knew that such power can fulfill my wishes...Whelp I have to wait a bit longer. Then another portal opened. It was the face of a girl. But kind of creepy.

I sighed 'time to go in the portal of hell , i guess.'

(To be continued)

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