Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


Meals had been ordered, drinks were already at the table, and there were already a lot of questioning glances. Secret conversations occurring through nothing but emotive eye contact.

"So you're a domestic abuse counsellor?" Aaron asked intrigued, breaking the silent stares between his boyfriend and the man sitting opposite him.

"I am," Ashton confirmed, looking up plainly. "Luke talks about me then?" he asked, cracking a small smirk of satisfaction. Stella rolled her eyes beside her fiance and smacked his arm playfully.

"No," Aaron stated firmly, in attempts to burst Ashton's bubble. "I just saw the card you gave him laying on the side. Gave me a bit of a scare!"

Ashton laughed and looked over at Luke who was looking down. No doubt remembering their previous conversation about the missing card.

"Do you take your practice out of work?" Aaron continued after no reply came from Ashton. His eyes back on Luke who was clearly looking anywhere but the two men that were beside and in front of him.

"I try not to," Ashton admitted.

"Ashton is his work. I have to constantly remind him not to analyse poor couples in the street!" Stella laughed, placing her glass of wine down, inviting herself into the conversation. Sensing the tension that had formed between two dominant males.

"Luke is always working," Aaron said, clearly ignoring her. "His mind never stops! Everything he reads he writes down somewhere! What do you think of us, do you think we're picture perfect?" he asked teasingly, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Aaron!" Luke complained. But his voice was too quiet, trapped within the dozen other conversations occurring in the restaurant.

"No relationship is picture-perfect, and if it were that would be a major red flag for me, Not even me and Stella are perfect!" Ashton admitted, extending his leg under the table, and placing his foot gently on top of Luke's. Luke flinched slightly, but seeing Ashton's reassuring gaze, he relaxed in his seat. Adjusting his gaze to watch his boyfriend, in case he noticed the contact under the table.

"So you see faults in our relationship?" Aaron asked, suddenly more annoyed, taking a bigger sip of his wine.

"Aaron, is this really—" Luke tried again. His head still ached from crying earlier, but his mind was now fully in the present situation. He could see things clearer.

Ashton spared Luke the suffering. "I've only spent around half an hour with you both. But you seem to understand Luke's needs, how to help him whilst also letting him be in control," Ashton lied, but Aaron nevertheless grinned. "There must always be a power balance in relationships."

Aaron nodded in agreement and looked over at Luke was staring at the floor. His gaze followed Luke's and saw two odd shoes next to each other on the floor, so close than one appeared to be touching.

Aaron took a deep breath, trying to keep his anger contained within him. "I'm going to quickly go to the toilet," he muttered, patting Luke's thigh gently and giving him a warning look.

Once Aaron had disappeared, he removed his foot from under Ashtons and brought then securely under his own chair. "Sorry about Aaron, he likes to ask lots of questions!" Luke laughed nervously, pulling his shirt sleeves down over his hands.

Stella laughed. "Very similar to Ashton—"

"I'm nothing like him!" Ashton cut her off, suddenly offended by the remark. Luke looked down at the oak wood table feeling like he was suddenly imposing on a private moment. "I don't control you do I? You're a free woman! I'd never order you a meal for starters!"

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