Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter Twenty-six


Running her finger over the calendar, Stella peered over at her fiance who was scrolling through his phone whilst eating a piece of over-toasted toast.

She took a deep breath and said, "I know this stuff freaks you out but I'm having a scan today and I think you should be there."

Ashton looked up and nodded. "Of course. I know, It's on the calendar."

He swallowed down the toast and threw a corner of the crust on the plate. He stood up and made his way over to her. He sighed and took her hands in his own. "I know I've been acting like a complete shit about this but I am excited. It was just a shock but I grow to want the baby more and more every day. It's just going to take time."

Stella nodded understandingly. "And we've got time. Eight months to get used to it. I just don't want you to do anything you're going to regret when the time comes," she said, lightly squeezing his hands. She turned to look at the clock and bit her lip. "You're going to be late — I could meet you outside of your work?" she suggested.

Still holding her hands, Ashton shook his head. "I took the day off."

"Oh—" Stella responded shocked. It was rare either of the pair took a day off unless they had a holiday planned. "Do you have plans? Besides the scan?"

"No I— I thought we could spend today together? Did you have other plans?"

"Other than being alone, no. I thought maybe— you might have visited Luke. You haven't been yet, have you?" she queried, wondering if her fiance was going to be discreet about his visit to see his blonde lover.

Ashton dropped her hands and ran his own through his hair, clearly anxious about the man he could no longer secretly meet. "No, but he wanted to be alone so I don't want to impose on that wish by visiting—"

Stella couldn't help but laugh at how infatuated her fiance was. She knew she should be upset, raging almost. But, seeing the thirty-year-old stood in their kitchen flushed red and looking anxious over someone seemed comical. At that moment she could tell just how in love he was with this man. That he'd do anything for Luke. She also knew that he'd do anything for her, within reason.

"By the sounds of the conversation you had, I think he meant alone from Aaron. Not from you Ashton. You've done nothing wrong!" She assured him. Stella couldn't interpret Luke's feelings as well as the man she had been with for over half a decade, but she was certain he was pining for him just as much as Ashton.


"Well?" Stella questioned. "What have you done wrong? You never intentionally hurt anyone Ashton, I know that. I'd rather you hurt me than him —" Stella stopped herself and thought for a moment. Did she mean that? She did. Of course, she did not want to be hurt, but she understood that she was stronger both mentally and physically than Luke and she could handle the heartache. If anything she would be liberated after the split from Ashton, not tied up to a man. And if she handled this correctly, the could still be friends.

Ashton shook his head frantically, what appeared to be tears formed in his eyes. He stepped closer and placed a hand to her stomach. "I don't want to hurt either of you. I want to be there for both of you, and I don't know if I have the energy to split myself both ways."

Closing her eyes for a moment, Stella took a deep breath. She was okay. She was okay with raising the baby alone (to some extent) if that was what it came to and she was okay with Ashton leaving her. She was glad that the acceptance had finally taken control, growing tired of the malice that had oozed its way into every conversation. But, she couldn't yet confront Ashton about his affair. She wanted to be selfish, she wanted him just for a couple more months and she hoped he could share himself for a little longer. And that Luke would be okay with that too.

Stella smiled sadly, placing a hand on Ashton's. "I'll be okay Ashton. We'll always be okay."


Here's another shortish chapter! I hope you like it!

I had to deal with some shit with my ex last night and he's really made me anxious. I literally broke up with him six months ago and he's still trying to get be back. Sort of scared about how obsessive he is. I really want him to leave me alone because he literally sent me into a panic attack last night and he just doesn't seem understand.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good week!

Thank you so much for reading. 

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