Chapter Forty-three

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Chapter Forty-three


Ashton had just left the room. Luke then turned to Stella and they both stared at each other for a couple of minutes. Finally, Stella laughed. "You want to know what I think?" She figured Luke was watching, trying to gauge her perspective on the situation.

Ashton was angry. Luke knew that even if the older man was trying to contain it. For the past three days, he left subtle remarks about how Luke had decided to go about the situation. It upset Luke, he wanted Ashton to trust his judgement. He understood why Ashton wanted justice. He understood that Aaron could do the exact same to someone else. But was still scared, scared Aaron would hurt him. By giving Aaron the chance to be free he hoped it would save them both. But as a consequence, it was affecting his and Ashton relationship.

Ashton had told Luke about a flat he had seen for them both. He wanted Luke to see it, to see if he liked it. Luke said he didn't care as long as he was with Ashton. After a small argument, Ashton phoned the estate agent for viewing for himself, promising to take pictures for Luke. Still paranoid that Aaron might turn up, he asked Stella to sit guard.

Luke played with the bed covers and brought his knees up to his chest. It hurt his torso but he didn't care. He wanted to feel safe. "I feel like I've ruined our relationship already," Luke muttered.

Stella shook her head. "Ashton feels things very intensely Luke, you should know that."

Luke nodded. "Sometimes it's hard to acknowledge his feelings when he's always bringing mine to attention."

"You'll find a balance. It'll come through in the little things when you live together. Ashton and I still have that even though we're not together anymore. It happens in every relationship that's right— even friendships."

Luke smiled and looked back over at Stella. "Am I doing the right thing?" He still hadn't changed his mind but he wondered if he was being deluded. Ashton had mentioned that he had found Luke a good therapist for when he was ready. Luke knew they had vaguely discussed it before, but did Ashton think there was yet another reason for him to see one.

Stella shrugged. "I think only you can be the judge of that Luke. Morality is a funny thing. You'd think it's objective but then situations like your own occur. Aaron deserves to be punished by law but is he being punished now anyway, from being away from you. Does he feel guilty and if so should prison matter? Prison is really just for protection, they don't care much about reform. If Aaron truly loved you, I don't know if he'll find someone else."

Luke gulped and turned to look at where Ashton had sat over the past couple of days. He knew Ashton couldn't understand his and Aaron's relationship. Why Luke still cared about him so much. But he thought Stella could, perhaps because something similar had happened to her. Ashton didn't hurt her, but he had played with her. She, like Luke, knew what was happening within their relationships, they could grasp control.

"Aaron does feel guilt," he agreed, looking at the chair. "And I know he regrets how our relationship turned out. If I hadn't met Ashton we'd be okay." He watched Stella open her mouth to interject but he knew what she was going to say. "I know he wanted to control me, and he did that even before Ashton came. But Ashton turned him into what he is. Ashton thinks I'm naive. I'm not. I understand Aaron better than anyone. I just have a lot of thoughts to go through and sometimes it makes me seem like that."

Stella nodded understandingly. She knew Luke was smarter than anyone gave him credit for. "Do you regret meeting Ashton again?"

"No," Luke said instantly. "No. I always wanted to see him again. Even when I got with Aaron I thought if Ashton appeared I'd leave him." Luke paused. "Do you regret it?"

"No. I feel the same as you. There was no stopping you both. From the moment you entered his life again I saw all the hints of your influence around the house. I wish he told me more about you before, maybe then everything wouldn't be such a mess."

Luke followed her eyes down to her stomach. "Are you scared?"

"Every new mother is scared, Luke. But, no. I just wish everything were a little more settled. But Ashton's a good person, and so are you, and that's all I need. I don't need a husband or stable house, just good people to care for me."

"I'd like to help you out," Luke agreed. "If you want to work again, I'm always working at home."

Stella laughed. "I will take full advantage of your free babysitting Luke!"

Luke smiled at Stella and she smiled back. All of a sudden he wanted to cry. Luke wondered if he, at nearly the age of thirty, found his first friend in life?


I love this chapter! I didn't plan for this but I thought I should write a Stella chapter because everyone seems to really like her and she always makes everything calm!

How is everyone doing? Although I'm very busy writing essays and doing exams my nan wants me to take her out so that's what I'm doing today!

I think I've asked this before, but I'll ask it again and hopefully remember again, but how old is everyone? I was thinking about this the other day, about the age of my readers and what would and wouldn't be appropriate to share or write etc. I'm 20, which it says in my bio anyway but I am somehow an adult despite looking about 12!

Thank you so much for reading!

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