Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Typing quickly, with passion and excitement, Luke didn't have time to extract and think through the feelings he was experiencing. He had finished the book yesterday, and now he was beginning to write the article. He had to analyse some quotes and write his review, with a brief summary. He loved the book, although at first he found the concept daunting.

He knew that domestic abuse was never an easy topic, and he had to handle the conversation with care in his writing if he wanted to gain an audience. But, he thought the book was well written. The exploration of a young couple and the power conflict tied up within it was eye-opening.

Luke knew that in any room, there was always going to be a power difference between the individuals within. Between man and woman, child and adult, black or white. Even then there were smaller intricacies that upset the equilibrium of an empty room. It was the sad reality of society, a man-made construct. Even when he and Aaron were in a room, Aaron was more powerful. Luke didn't know whether that was because he was naturally more gentle and feminine, or because he sometimes gladly submitted to his boyfriend. He didn't think there was a problem with their power balance, he thought their relationship was perfect.

However, thinking about his relationship under the lense of domestic abuse made him uncomfortable. He couldn't pinpoint why, but he quickly threw the thought away. He didn't see the point on focusing on the wrong when he could focus on the right.

But, Luke had learnt through the novel that toxic relationships were often invisible, especially to the individual receiving abuse. The unreliable narrator throughout the narrative had made that evident and consequently, it had opened the blonde's eyes to people's relationships around him. He didn't have many friends, but those he had he wanted to make sure they were alright.

Luke didn't hear the flat door close. He didn't hear Aaron chuck down his keys and enter the office. Luke was now deep in thought, too focused to realise there was a presence in the doorway.

"What are you thinking about?" Aaron asked, after a moment of staring at the back of the younger man. He smirked as Luke jumped in his seat, knocking him out of his daydreams. 

Spinning around his chair, Luke smiled nervously at his boyfriend. "The other night?" he said, uncrossing his legs so they were placed on the floor. His cursor still blinking at the bottom of the document. Whilst writing his thoughts had trailed to three nights ago when the pair had argued. Luke couldn't think of them having an argument before, at least not that heated. The argument had been on his mind for a while, it didn't sit right with him. He didn't think it fair.

"What night?" the older man asked, unbuttoning the top button on his shirt, now creased after a long day of work. Luke was still in his pyjamas.

"When I went to the book launch," Luke clarified steadily.

"Do you remember it? I've never seen you that drunk before!" Aaron chuckled, throwing his tie carelessly onto his desk, perpendicular to Luke's. It was used as often, but he still thought it was necessary to have one too. It was their office, despite Luke spend the majority of the time in there. 

Luke rolled his eyes. "I was barely drunk. I remember having sex if that's what you mean! But no, I was just thinking about something you said."

"What did I say?" he asked, his eyes lighting up with intrigue.

"Well, you sort of implied I've gained weight. It made me wonder, do you still like me?" Luke asked anxiously, his voice dropping in volume.

Aaron smiled with amusement. "Did I say that? I don't think I directly said that. I think your mind is playing tricks on you," he said softly. He walked over to the younger man and picked Luke up, placing him on his lap.

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