Chapter Thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-three


When Aaron opened the door, Luke rushed into his arms. Aaron was shocked for a moment then composed himself. "What do you want Luke?" Luke didn't respond, he just continued to hold the older man tighter. "I told you you'd get hurt."

Luke pulled away, peering past Aaron and looking at the familiar setting. Everything was in its usual place, the TV buzzing, but there was a figure sat on their sofa. A young man staring at them both, in nothing but his pants.

Aaron turned around and followed Luke's gaze. He cleared his throat. "Thanks, Ryan, that was a wonderful night!"

The young man fumbled around for his clothes, stealing glances at the pair every couple of seconds trying to figure out what their relationship was and if they had caused trouble. Aaron took Luke's wrist and pulled him past the man and into their bedroom. Luke looked at the bed, the sheets hadn't been touched.

Aaron stared at Luke for while. Taking in the changes to his body. The tears in his eyes. The smell of sick lingering on him. "Where's your stuff Luke?" he asked finally. "You're coming back permanent right?"

Luke fell back onto the bed, his head level with Aaron's crotch. He rested his head there and nodded. Aaron bit his lip but stepped away. "We need to talk. We can't do anything until we talk. You can't just walk back in here and expect everything to be okay!"

"I know," Luke whispered. "I know."

"What happened?" Aaron would have preferred it if his boyfriend had just come back. No reason other than he realised that he had made a mistake. He had finally seen some sense. But he could tell by the state he was in something happened. Aaron needed to know everything.

"I don't want to ruin their relationship," Luke mumbled, beginning to pick at the skin around his fingers. They were already red and sore from the sleepless nights he had endured recently. His mind swirling with thoughts with Stella and Ashton's bodies intertwined. Now he knew he got it wrong. They weren't having sex. Instead, Ashton would have been kissing her gently, stroking her stomach, trying to communicate with his child that was growing more and more real.

Aaron laughed and took another step back so he was leaning against the wall. He didn't want to sit. He needed to stand. His body was pumping with adrenaline. He needed to play his cards right. "You've already ruined their relationship. And ours! There's not much you can do to fix them now."

"I know. But I needed to leave. They can survive if I leave them alone," Luke rambled. He could imagine them now. Sat at the kitchen table, or maybe on each side of their bed, talking through what is going to happen. Will they try and take him back? Will Ashton try to continue their affair? His heart pounded at all the uncertain possibilities.

"And why have you just decided this now? Are you fed up of hearing them fuck at night?" Aaron asked crudely. He couldn't make sense of the situation. He understood the depth of his boyfriend's feelings towards Ashton — he knew how unconditional their love was. He was shocked that Luke had willingly come back to him, he thought it would have taken a lot more force and manipulation.

Luke sighed and shook his head. "She's pregnant. Stella's pregnant."

Aaron's eyes widened. He didn't expect that. It was as simple as that. Luke had left to protect the child. "Oh! I didn't expect that. A child? Them with a child! I didn't think they wanted one."

This time Luke laughed and stood up. He made his way over to Aaron's bedside table and opened up the drawer. Aaron stood up straight, wondering why Luke was going through his belongings. He watched Luke from behind as he fumbled around trying to find something. He saw Luke pick something out and inspect it. Aaron stepped closer and Luke turned around at the movement. Aaron furrowed his eyebrows at the small packet in between his two fingers. "Luke? That's not going to do much now!"

Luke chuckled and threw the condom on the bed. "He forgot to use one! He forgot to use one because hours before he was kissing me and couldn't get me out of his mind! Imagine telling your kid that is how they were conceived!" Luke watched something uncertain flash across Aaron's eyes and he continued to smile. His chest rising and falling harshly.

Aaron shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. He turned towards the wall and back around to Luke again. He felt sick. "You want to come back to me?"

"I do," Luke confirmed.

"And you're going to be my boyfriend? You'll stop sneaking around with him?"

"Of course."

Aaron nodded and straightened up once again. He could tell this was what Luke wanted. He wanted to return to the days before Ashton had appeared in his life. Before Ashton poisoned their relationship and caused more trouble than needed. Aaron realised Luke was willing to submit. "Okay," Aaron concluded. "I will get your stuff and we can start again. Just me and you. You don't mention him. You don't see him. And you don't think of him. Can you do that?"

Luke nodded confidently. He met Aaron's eyes to show his sincerity. "That's all I want. I want them gone. Just me and you like it used to be."

Aaron could feel his heart racing. It all seemed too easy. He didn't understand if this was some sort of game. If Luke was testing him. He wondered if Ashton and Stella would barge through his door and take Luke back, police behind them taking him away. When he collected Luke's stuff, he would talk with them calmly. Aaron took another step forward and took both of Luke's hands in his firmly. He inspected his boyfriend's body and nodded approvingly. "You look well. Have you had breakfast?"

Luke nodded. "Most of it is on the floor though—"

Aaron twisted Luke's arm awkwardly to look at his watch. It was just past noon. "Do you want some lunch? I'll make you some before I pick up your stuff. I kept some stuff here for you in case you came back, I never lost hope."

"I still feel sick. I'll have something later," Luke mumbled. His body was filled with nerves and anger and confusion. Everything was overwhelming and he wanted to sit and think for a while. He'd try not to think about Ashton, for himself and for Aaron. But Aaron's couldn't see his thoughts. He could never know that the man was on his mind. Luke knew he was going to think about Ashton. To be with Aaron he was going to have to think about Ashton being a wonderful father — it was the only way he could accept what he was about to do.

Squeezing his hands tighter, Aaron disagreed. "I'll make you something now. You've got nothing else to do so you may as well eat!" Luke looked up at Aaron was grinning frantically, his eyes glued to the younger man. Luke frowned, wanting Aaron to elaborate. Aaron just shook his head and smiled. "You're not going anywhere, Luke."


One day I shall write a nice and simple love story, just not today!

The publisher of the book I just wrote a review for called my review 'wonderful' and now I can't stop smiling!

Also collecting some stuff from uni tomorrow after living out of a suitcase for four months!

Thank you so much for reading!

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