Chapter 1

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Dr. Waverly Earp walked up to the nurses’ desk in the ER with her bag of Chinese food and was greeted by a dark haired, blue eyed nurse named Wynonna. “Hey, Doc,” she greeted. “Whatcha got there?” she asked taking a peek in the bag.
Waverly answered “Chinese. And it’s not for you, Wynonna,” swatting the other woman’s hand away. Savoring the wonderful aromas sifting through the air, Wynonna moaned. “Fine. But I bet I know who it’s for,” Wynonna replied back winking at the shorter woman.  Smiling shyly, she blushed. “Yeah, it’s for Nicole. I knew she wouldn’t eat. She would just grab a snack."
“You two are so sweet it’s nauseous. You guys make the Notebook look bleak. And those googly eyes. Jeez. Do you guys practice those or are they just natural?” Wynonna asked causing Waverly to blush more.
“Really, Wynonna?” Waverly scolded playfully.                                                                                                                                 “Ok, fine. She’s finishing up with a patient. She shouldn’t be long.”                                                                                                                  “Is anyone using the lounge?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “I don’t think so. Most everyone has already had their break or dinner,” Wynonna said distracted by one  of the orderlies, Doc Holliday.                                                                                                                                                     “That your new boytoy, Wynonna?” Waverly giggled as she grabbed the bag and headed toward the lounge. Wynonna looked shocked at the doctor’s statement. “What? Pffttt,” she swatted the air.
“Hey, will you let Nicole know where I am when she is finished?”                                                                                                                              “Only if I get the leftovers,” Wynonna bargained.
“We’ll see,” Waverly answered as she headed off down the hallway. In the lounge, she found a table, set out the food, and grabbed some drinks from the vending machine. Just as she was finishing up, she heard the door opened. It was her girlfriend, Dr. Nicole Haught. “Hey, you,” she said walking over the Waverly and kissing her cheek.
“Hey! Good timing,” Waverly answered pointing at the food.                                                                                   “What’s all this?” Nicole asked as she sat down in the chair Waverly had pulled out for her.                                           “This is dinner….because…I knew you probably hadn’t taken the time to eat a decent meal with your crazy schedule this week.” As they began to eat, Waverly continued, “And more importantly, I missed you.”
“Awwww,” Nicole smiled. “Well, thank you! And, you’re right. I haven’t eaten well this week. And I really love that you brought my favorite.”  As they ate, Waverly began to get feel nervous. She had a surprise for Nicole but was so afraid her girlfriend wouldn’t like it. Although she was a psychiatrist, Waverly had her own demons to fight. She was much better at dealing with other people’s problems than her own issues. It was much easier telling other people what to do than follow your own advice. Nicole noticed the brunette was picking at her food. “Not good?”
“Huh?” Realizing Nicole had caught her distraction. She quickly responded, “Oh, no, it’s fine.”                                    “You seemed far away.”                                                                                                                                                                      “Sorry,” Waverly apologized. Laying her fork down, Nicole reached across the table and took Waverly’s hand. “Hey, what is it?” she encouraged. Sighing , Waverly tried to gather her courage and tell Nicole about the surprise she’d planned. “It’s nothing bad,” she assured the red head.
“Okay, but your shaking, Waves,” Nicole said as she held Waverly’s hand tighter.                                                                “I’m, uh…..just nervous….that you….uh…won’t like it.”
“Like what?” Nicole asked curiously beginning to understand that whatever the brunette was trying to say was something very important to her.                                                                                                                                “Like…uh….” Waverly took a deep breath, “I sort of planned a weekend get-a-way for---us---like you and me.”                                                                                                                                                                                          “Really?” Nicole smiled and rubbed her thumb over Waverly’s hand.                                                                                “Yeah,” Waverly said.
“Where? When?” Nicole’s excitement was beginning to show. Seeing her excitement, Waverly went into more detail about her plans. “Well, um, Wynonna got me a copy of your schedule and helped to make sure you didn’t have plans for the weekend.”
“So that’s what she’s been up to,” Nicole said.
“Yeah. She’s a sneaky squirrel.” Waverly giggled. “Anyway, we’ll leave Friday after your shift. I’ll drive us into the city. I have reservations at the Hyatt for adjoining rooms, aaannndd….” Waverly reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out two tickets…”two tickets to Hamilton.” Nicole grabbed the tickets and squealed. “Are you serious!?”
“So, I take it you like the surprise?” her girlfriend smiled. Nicole grabbed Waverly’s hand and pulled her over into her lap. Pulling her face down for a kiss, she whispered, “I love it!” Their lips met like soft feathers floating through the sky. Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s shoulders weaving her fingers into her short auburn curls. Nicole wrapped one arm around Waverly’s waist while the other held her head deepening the kiss. Neither heard the door open but they did hear Wynonna. “Yo, PDA! Haught Doc, you’re needed in the ER. I tried paging you. Now I know why you didn’t hear it,” Wynonna said as she turned to retreat back out the door.
“Hi, Wynonna. Thanks!” Nicole said from behind Waverly. Returning her attention back to the woman on her lap, the red head double checked the plans. “So, Friday, huh?’                                                                                                                     “Yeah. I’ll pick you up after your shift,” Waverly replied still playing with the curls of Nicole’s hair.                          “I’ll be ready,” Nicole said as she helped Waverly stand and gave her another kiss before leaving the lounge.

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