Chapter 4

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Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Back in the real world, Nicole and Waverly barely had time to eat. They made time, however, to facetime every night even if Nicole was on duty. It was the best way to end their day. Waverly had been called to the hospital by Dr. Nedley, the chief of staff,  to review some files since she was the psychiatric consultant. As she walked up to the nurses’ desk, she found Wynonna. “Hey, Wynonna.” “Hey, Doc, what brings you here? Oh wait, you came to see Doc Haughtshot, am I right?”
“As nice as that sounds, unfortunately no. Dr. Nedley was supposed to leave some files for me.”                        “Ohhhh, the big cheese called.”                                                                                                                                                  “Do you happen to know where they would be?” Waverly asked propping her head in her hands on the counter.                                                                                                                                                                                   “I got nothing, Doc. But give me a few and I’ll find ‘em,” Wynonna said.
Waverly waited at the counter and watched the entertainment as Wynonna yelled at all the orderlies and nurses who came by trying to find the files. Her favorite orderly, Doc, came by and smiled as she reprimanded him for not being around when she needed him. “Now, what pray tell, darlin’, do you so urgently need?” Smirking at him, Wynonna told him what she was in search of and sent him off to find them. “Men, show them a little boob and they fall over themselves trying to see them again.” Waverly snorted at the comment and couldn’t look the orderly in the face when he returned. Files finally in hand, Waverly made her way to the lounge. She was in deep concentration analyzing a file when her phone rang. Seeing it was Nicole, she quickly answered. “Hey, you!”
“Hey, yourself,” Nicole answered as she touched her girlfriend on the shoulder. Turning and seeing Nicole, they both laughed and hung up. “Whatcha doin’?” Nicole asked giving Waverly a quick kiss.                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Looking at files from Nedley.”  Waverly had been so caught up in the file, she  hadn't even heard the door open.                                                                                                                                                                                              “I’ve missed you, baby,” Nicole said taking a seat and bringing Waverly’s hand to her lips.                                      “Me, too,” Waverly stated licking her lips and wanting desperately to take Nicole in her arms.                            “So….I was calling to see if you were busy tonight,” indicated Nicole and she continued to play with Waverly's fingers.                                                                                                                                                                “Actually, I think I just might be free, especially for you. I do have a late patient to see at 5:00 but after that, I’m all yours.”
“Awesome! I’ll pick up beer and pizza and meet you at your place around 7:00,” Nicole suggested. Placing a kiss on the red heads lips, Waverly said, “It’s a date, Haught.”                                                                                          “Uh, Dr. Earp,” they heard someone clear their throat from the door. It was the chief of staff, Dr. Nedley.          “Dr. Nedley,” Waverly greeted.                                                                                                                                              “I see you got the files,” he said glancing at Nicole and Waverly holding hands.                                                           “Yes, sir. I was just finishing the first one. I was going to take them with me, so I could make some notes, if that’s okay.”                                                                                                                                                                               “Yes, that’s fine.” Nicole’s pager went off. “I’ve gotta run, baby. See  you later, okay.”
“Absolutely,” Waverly said smiling. As she left, Dr. Nedley cleared his throat again and inquired, “So you two are a….?” Standing, Waverly gathered the files and looked at the chief of staff. “Yes, she’s my girlfriend. Is that a problem?” she asked somewhat defensively. “No. Not at all. You technically aren’t a hospital employee only consultative services. You should know, however, I do look down on fraternizing between staff members. It can cause....problems within....” Apparently this man had never witnessed Wynonna in action or he just chose to ignore her extra-curricular activities with the employees. “Well, I assure you, sir, our personal lives are our own and won’t interfere with our jobs.” As she walked to door, she turned, “I’ll have these back to you in a couple of days.”
“Okay, Dr. Earp. Thank you.”
Right on time, Nicole arrived with beer and pizza. She sat them down on the table and grabbed Waverly wrapping her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. Capturing her mouth, Waverly run her hands up Nicole’s chest and into her red locks. Breathless, Waverly pulled back and asked, “What about the pizza?”
“Screw the pizza, I want dessert,” Nicole growled as she captured Waverly’ s mouth again.  Moaning with pleasure, Waverly slowly back them to edge of the bed where they fell and enjoyed one anther letting the pizza grow cold and beer get warm. Waverly’s small apartment was on the ground floor. If either had looked at the window across from the bed, they would have seen a silhouette of someone watching them.
Hours later the two enjoyed cold pizza and warm beer. “So I finally got to meet the new doctor,” Nicole said. “And?” Waverly asked taking another bite of pizza.
“Well, his name is Champ Hardy,” Nicole informed. “He’s quite….cocky.” Waverly almost choked on her pizza.                                                                                                                                                                                           "I know...the irony," giggled Nicole.  Trying to be more serious, Waverly asked, “What about with the patients?”                                                                                                                                                                                  “Don’t know. Haven’t actually worked with him yet. Oddly enough, though, Wynonna already hates him.”

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