Chapter 7

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The phone woke Waverly the next morning. “Dolls?” she answered so Nicole would know who it was on the other end. They both sat up in bed pulling the sheet to cover themselves as Waverly put the detective on speaker phone. “Morning, Doc. I just checked with the lab. Is there any way you and Dr. Haught can come down to the station?”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Absolutely,” she answered seeing Nicole nod in agreement. “When is a good time?”                                                          “How about in an hour? That should give me enough time to get the reports from Jeremy, out tech guy.”
“That’s fine. We’ll see you then.” After hanging up, Waverly leaned against the headboard. She didn’t want to keep Nicole in the dark about the rest. “Um, there’s something you need to know.” Waverly told Nicole about the window. “I know I should have told you sooner. But, I really didn’t think anything of it, until all of ….yesterday. Nicole, I have a bad feeling, a really bad feeling.”
“I get it. So do I, now that you’ve told me this. Someone has been watching me….us….I don’t know.” She sighed deeply. “I just don’t know. But, maybe….your detective friend can figure it out.”
“I sure hope so,” Waverly said leaning over for a quick kiss. But, when she tried to pull away to get ready, Nicole grabbed her hand to stop her. “So, how far is the station from here?” Looking at her curiously, Waverly asked, “Whhyyyy?” With a  mischievous smirk, Nicole tugged at the sheet until it fell from Waverly. Leaning over, she placed her lips around one of Waverly’s hardened peaks and licked circles around the nub. “Really close,” Waverly answered arching her back and pulling Nicole’s body closer as she slid back down into the bed. “Perfect!” Nicole smiled as she drug herself on top of Waverly and continued her wet hot exploration of the brunette’s body. They were late arriving at the station. Dolls was waiting for them and escorted them to one of the conference rooms. “Ladies, thank you for coming down.”
“I told Nicole about the window,” Waverly confessed.
“Well, I’m glad you told me about it, too. Your landlord did call it in. I wasn’t satisfied with the report and sent Jeremy over to a better look. The rain had washed the foot prints out, but he did find evidence of semen on the wall underneath the window. There were no prints on the window. We were able to get some dried semen off. It has been sent to lab for comparison with that found at your house, Dr. Haught.”
“So someone has been watching us?” Waverly asked feeling sick with the thought of prying eyes and someone getting off on what they saw.                                                                                                                                                         “I’m afraid so, Doc.” Flipping through the file, he continued. “Dr. Haught, are you sure you locked your door when you left?”                                                                                                                                                                         “Yes. I always double check the locks,” Nicole answered matter-of-factly.                                                                     “Both locks?”                                                                                                                                                                                           “Yes. Always.”
“Dolls,Nicole is very meticulous. If she said she locked the door, then she did. Plus, hers were missing all night,” Waverly stated defensively.                                                                                                                                            “Yes. That’s what you said yesterday, Doc. But, you found them, right? In her locker at work?”                                  “Yes. In my locker,” answered Nicole frustration quickly building.
“Okay, so Dr. Haught, there was no forced entry at your brownstone. There was evidence, however,  someone----male---had been there.” Showing the women a picture from the Nicole’s bedroom, he asked, “Which of you do these belong to?” Looking at the photo of the blue lace underwear Nicole had seen on the bed in the bag, she stated plainly, “Mine.”
“Whose clothing was laid on the bed?”                                                                                                                                         “Mine,” they answered at the same time. Dolls made some notes. “So far we have no prints, no forcible entry, and DNA isn’t back yet on the samples.” Pulling out a photo of the mirror, he directed his next question at Nicole. “I am assuming the lipstick used here is yours?”                                                                                   “Yes, that’s the only color I use, if I use any at all.” She paused before asking her question. “What…what else…was on the mirror?”
“To be honest, we don’t know for sure yet. Jeremy is still running tests.” Dolls closed his file and leaned back staring at the two women. “Ladies, is there anything else I need to know?” Waverly glanced at Nicole. The red head knew what she was thinking----Champ. Taking a breath as Waverly ran her fingers through Nicole’s, the red head recounted her encounter with Champ the night her keys went missing.  Dolls made notes. “I’ll check it out.” He stood and walked them out of the station. Before they left, he said, “Hey, Doc. Both of you stay alert and don’t go anywhere alone. Always be with someone…..someone you trust.”
“Okay. Thanks, Dolls,” Waverly said. “I’ll call as soon as I know anything.”

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