Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
They tried their best to get back into a routine. The last couple of weeks had thrown them both a curve ball. Waverly was busy trying to catch-up on all the rescheduled appointments which had her working late into the night on more than one occasion. Nicole was working weird hours, too. They were barely seeing each other in passing. When they were together, they were exhausted and usually just ordered in and stayed on the couch cuddling. It was on one of these rare evenings that Det. Dolls showed up at Waverly’s apartment. When Waverly opened the door, she was surprised to see him standing there. “Dolls.”
“Hey, Doc. I was on my way home and thought I’d drop by and let you know what we got back from the labs.”
“Uh, yeah, ok, please, come in,” Waverly said stepping aside to let him in.
“Hey, Dr. Haught,” he greeted her as she came to stand at the bar.
“Please, call me Nicole,” she said. “Can I get you some coffee, tea, water?”
“No, thanks. I just wanted to let you guys know what we found.” He opened the file and showed them the reports. “So, it was semen on the mirror and on the underwear. It was from the same man. We also ran tests on what was found below the window at your old apartment. It was also semen….from the same person. We ran the DNA through the database but there was no match.”
"Of course, there wasn't," Waverly growled.
“Nothing. You basically have nothing?” asked Nicole frustrated.
Dolls ignored her comment and continued, “I also pulled in the doctor, Champ Hardy, for an interview. He admitted he had made a pass at you but knew nothing about the missing keys.”
“Pass? Really? That’s what he called it?” Nicole’s temper was increasing quickly. Waverly could see her aura changing to negative.
“Dolls, what did he say happened?” questioned Waverly.
“He said they had worked together that day. He said Dr. Haught…Nicole… was ‘hot’ and so he made a comment about it and asked her out. She declined.”
“That’s son of bitch!” yelled Nicole as she stomped over the window and looked out over the city.
“I take it that’s not what happened?” Dolls asked watching Nicole.
“Uh, no. Not even close,” Waverly said. She continued to give Dolls the details about that night.
“Damn, I wished she had told me earlier. I could have used that when I interviewed him,” he replied back.
“Sorry, Dolls, we just….”
“I know, Doc,” he touched her arm. “I’m not giving up. I’ll find this guy.”
“I know you will. I’m just worried about Nicole. She’s ….exhausted.” Waverly looked over at her girlfriend who was now leaning against the cool glass. “Is….there anything…else?”
“One more thing, Doc. It was just a thought, a feeling….but… what keys were one her keyring?”
“Um, her house, truck…..oh, and mine…to here. I had just given it to her.”
“Would you care if I had Jeremy do a run through of your apartment?” Dolls asked.
“Dolls, what aren’t you telling me?” she asked nervously.
“When, the cleaners…….I had an officer be there while they worked. Not sure why I did it. I….just did…..Doc, they found cameras....and microphones…in her home.”
“What?” Waverly said quite loudly drawing Nicole’s attention back to the conversation.
“Waves, what did he say?” Nicole asked as she rejoined them at the bar.
“Nicole….” Waverly took her hands and pulled her close wrapping her arms around Nicole’s waist.
“They found…cameras and microphones….hidden in your apartment,” Dolls informed her.
“What!?” Nicole was shocked. Her stomach began churning as the thought of someone watching her ….in her own home. She pulled away and walked to the couch.
“Doc, I’ll send Jeremy over in the morning and have him do a thorough search. Is there….anywhere…..”
Waverly interrupted him. “No, Dolls, I’m not leaving. He is NOT running me out of my home too. I’ve dealt with shit tickets like him all of my life and I’m done running.” Waverly was furious at the thought of someone invading her privacy. She was tired of running. When they found this guy, she was going to kick his ass. She was going to kick it so hard, she might even go up a shoe size.
“Okay, Doc. I understand. Please, though, be careful.”
“We will,” she said as she led him to the door. The next morning Waverly called her office and rescheduled appointments….again. Jeremy arrived just as the doctors were finishing breakfast. Waverly stayed out of his way as he made his rounds through the house with whatever gadgets he was using. At one point, he heard him on his phone talking to Dolls. Nicole left and headed to the hospital while Waverly waited to see if Jeremy found anything.
She could stand it no longer. She finally cornered him. “So, find anything?”
Jeremy threw a glance her way but said nothing.
“Hey, come on, this is my house. You can tell me if you found anything.” She continued to prod but he said nothing.
“Damnit, Jeremy! Did you find anything!?” she yelled at him as she blocked his progression in the living area.
His eyes grew wide as he stared at the petite woman in front of him. She was giving a angry glare that was frightening. But, he was more afraid of Dolls if he disobeyed orders. “I’m sorry, Dr. Earp. I was told not to tell you anything. Dolls will fill you in when he gets here.” He tried to slip past her but she side-stepped to block him again.
“So, Dolls is coming here?” she questioned.
“Uh….um…..I’m not at liberty to ……”
Waverly was pissed. “Okay, you little, shit strumpet, I’m tired. Someone is stalking my girlfriend. My routine has been interrupted. And, damnit, I need answers.” She pointed a finger in his face, “and you…Jeremy…are going to give them to me.”
“Uh….” The woman before was glaring in fury. He swallowed nervously even though there was no saliva in his mouth. He was beginning to fear this small fireball more than Dolls. “um, well, “
“Did you find something? Simple yes or no….” she huffed.
“YYYYeessss,” Jeremy whispered nervously.
“Where!?” Waverly demanded her anger rising swiftly as her breath became ragged.
Jeremy said nothing. He just pointed toward the bathroom and bedroom. “That son of bitch,” Waverly murmured furiously. She sat down on the couch and held her head in her hands. Tears filled her eyes but she wasn’t going to cry. She refused to let them fall. It made her weak. She didn’t have time to be weak. She had to be strong….be strong for Nicole. Waverly had lived through the nightmares but Nicole…she hadn’t. As Waverly sat on the couch the bell rang. It was Dolls. When he entered, he could tell from the look on her face Jeremy had spilled the beans and told her about the cameras. “Really?” he asked looking at Jeremy.
“Listen, Dolls, she may be little, but she is a fireball. I wasn’t going to risk my life,” Jeremy said shrugging his shoulders and finishing his examination quite flustered at being intimidated by a small female.
Dolls shook his head at Jeremy in exasperation. “Don’t be mad at him, Dolls. I made him tell me.”
“Well, he shouldn’t have,” Dolls growled.
“Whatever,” Waverly said turning her back on him and making her way back to the sofa. “Is there anything we can do about….this…?” she asked pointing toward the bedroom and bathroom.
“Maybe,” Dolls stated. “We need to go somewhere private and talk. I also need Dr. Ha…Nicole, to be there too.”
“How about the hospital? She can meet us during her break. Then when we’re done, maybe I can actually see some patients.”
“Ok, yeah, that’s good. I’m going to get with Jeremy and let him know what I want him to do. Can he stay here while we go to the hospital?”
“I guess, yeah,” Waverly stated wondering what Dolls had planned. She gave Jeremy her key and she and Dolls headed to the hospital.

“OOOOHHHHH, Doc, who is this delicious piece of candy you got with you?” Wynonna asked giving Dolls a slow once-over as he and Waverly walked up to the nurses’ desk.
“Down, Wynonna,” Waverly said.
“What!!!????” Wynonna asked pretending to be innocent while still checking out Dolls.
“Not now, Wynonna. I need Nicole.” Waverly said. Pausing, she added, “Plus, what about Doc?”
“Doc???” Wynonna asked staring at Dolls.
“Yes, Wynonna. Doc. You know, your orderly…..friend,” Waverly answered giving her a look.
“Oh, yeah. Doc. He’s uh…somewhere” she said motioning down the hall.
“Hey, Wynonna! I need you to focus. I need Nicole. Like now!” Waverly said as her frustration began to build again.
“Jeez, Doc. Ok. Get your knickers out of a wad,” Wynonna said. “I’ll page her.”
Dolls just stood listening to the two bicker. Soon, Nicole made her way down hall. When she say Waverly and Dolls, she walked faster. “Hey, baby,” she said giving Waverly a quick kiss.
“Hey.” Waverly said returning the kiss. “We need somewhere to talk.”
“Yeah, okay.” Nicole didn’t like the tone of Waverly’s voice. She knew from her actions that something was found in the apartment. “Hey, Wynonna, any rooms empty right now?”
Wynonna looked at her computer. “Yeah, Room 6.”
“Okay, thanks!” Nicole led the two to the empty room. As they walked away, Wynonna called out to Dolls, “Hey, you didn’t give me your number!”
Dolls turned around and smiled. He pointed and mouthed, “Look down” and turned away following Nicole and Waverly. Wynonna smiled to herself picking up the business card.

“Ok, so….” Dolls began once they were in the room. “There were cameras in the both the bedroom and bathroom at your loft.”
“What about microphones?” Nicole asked.
“I left Jeremy there to check that. He was only running a quick test to see if he needed to dig deeper.”
“So, what do we do, Dolls?” Waverly asked frustrated at the whole situation.
“I have an idea. I’m going to have Jeremy make a loop of video, one for the day when you guys are out and one for the night when you’re home.”
“What about sound?” Nicole asked.
“I’m hoping he can hack into the feed for that too and maybe disable or distort it somehow,” Dolls replied.
“So what do we do?” Waverly asked.
“Get out of town,” Dolls said plainly.
“Runaway?” Waverly asked.

“Listen, Doc. This guy not only stole the keys, he made copies. He could come in while you’re sleeping and do god knows what.”
“I could change the locks,” Waverly bargained.
“We are going to do that, but not just yet.” Dolls took a deep breath. He had to convince these two that he had a plan and it would work, if they just did what he asked. “Listen, Docs. We’ve got to catch this guy. That is the only way to ever get your lives back to normal. And, the only way to do that, is for you to do what I ask.”
Waverly looked at Nicole. They understood one another just by reading the emotions in one another’s eyes. “”Fine,” Waverly said.
“Good. That’s being smart. I need you to find somewhere to go. But tell no one, except me.”
“Okay. But we need a few days to get this done.” Nicole answered. “It’s not like I can just pick up and leave. I have to make sure my shifts are covered.”
“Of course. Just be discrete,” Dolls ordered.
As they headed to the door to leave, they were completely unaware of the person listening on the other side.

Nicole walked Waverly back to the nurses’ desk. “God, Waves, is this ever going to end?” she asked laying her head on top of the brunette’s and wrapping her arms around her.
“I hope so,” she answered pulling back to look at her eyes. “I …..I don’t know….I just ….want us to be…..normal again.”
“We will be,” Nicole said giving her a quick peak on the nose.
“Yo, Docs! PDA! Here comes the boss man!” Wynonna called out them. They didn’t care though. They were past caring. Parting their faces but keeping their arms around each other, Nicole informed the shorter brunette that she needed talk to Nedley about time off. Waverly announced she needed to go anyway. “See you tonight, babe,” Nicole said.
“Yeah. Oh, I’ll probably be late. I asked Chrissy to reschedule my morning appointments to the evening for those that could.”
“Ok. I’ll make us some dinner,” Nicole said squeezing her hand as she pulled away.

When Waverly entered her office, Chrissy met her with a huge smile. “Hey, Waves.”
“Hey, Chrissy. Did you get everyone rescheduled?”
“There were only a couple who could do it today. I put the others on for tomorrow evening. Is that ok?”
“Yeah, that’s great, Chrissy. Were they upset?” Waverly asked as she flipped through her messages.
“Actually no. Some were going to call and reschedule anyway, so it really worked out.”
“Great. Thanks again,” Waverly said heading to office door.
“Oh, Waves, you have a surprise waiting in there.” Waverly turned looking at Chrissy oddly. “You’ll see,” Chrissy answered.
Waverly shrugged her shoulders and opened her door. On her desk was a large bouquet of mixed flowers. Turning back toward Chrissy, “Who….?” she let the question trail off when Chrissy shrugged her shoulders.
“I figured from Nicole,” she answered.

“Hummmmm,” Waverly said as a smile reached the corner of her mouth and she closed her door. At her desk she bent and smelled the bouquet. Some of the fragrances were strong The colors were bright. There was no card attached. She walked around her desk and pulled out her phone from her purse. As she started to dial Nicole to thank her and ask her to explain the occasion, she glanced back at the bouquet. Her head began to swim again. Her stomach once again began to churn like it had when she saw the aura at the hospital. She stared at the bouquet almost studying it. Although the colors were bright, there was a gray, almost black tinted cloud surrounding the flowers.
“OH SHIT!” she exclaimed. She jumped to her feet but quickly realized that it was mistake. She held onto her desk trying to calm her spinning mind. “CHRISSY!” she yelled when her footing became unreliable.
Chrissy ran into the office to find her boss gripping the desk and pale. “Waves?”
“Where did they come from?” she managed.

“Who delivered the damn flowers, Chrissy?” Waverly yelled back.
“I…I …don’t know, Waves. Just some guy,” Chrissy stammered not really understanding why Waverly was so upset over the flowers.
“Just some guy? Really? No description?” Chrissy was shaking her head no. “What about the florist?”
“No…” Chrissy whispered. “I..I didn’t think to ask. Waves….what’s going on?”
“Nothing. Just…….go. I need to make a few calls.” Waverly said as she made her way back to her chair. She dialed Dolls number.
“He sent damn flowers, Dolls!”
“What? Where?”
“To my office. I’m sitting here looking at them now,” Waverly said turning toward the wall hoping to calm her head.
“How do you know they’re from him? Was there a card?”
“I just know, Dolls. Trust me,” she answered.
“Ok. Have you touched them?”
“Good. I’ll send Jeremy to get them.”

The bar was loud and dark. Champ sat at the bar downing his third shot of whiskey when he felt someone touch his shoulder. Looking, he saw it was Tucker. He huffed and followed him to the men’s bathroom.
“You called,” Tucker asked locking the door behind them.
“Yeah. They found the cameras at the loft.”
“That’s what you had to tell me? I already knew that,” Tucker said unamused.
“They are heading out of town,” Champ said.
Tucker tried not to show his interest as he asked simple questions. “Where?”
“Not sure,” Champ admitted.
“Ok, when?”
“Don’t know.”
“Do you know anything, Champ?” Tucker asked his eyes glaring furiously at the poor excuse of a man across from him. “You call me to this dump and tell me things I already know.” He turned and unlocked the door. “Call me when you actually know something.”

Waverly finally made it home. Entering she found Nicole finishing up in the kitchen with a pasta meal and salad, one of her favorites. Dropping her things by the door not even caring where they landed, she made her way to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her waist from the back. She kissed her back between her shoulder blades. “UUUMMMM,” she hummed. “I’ve missed you.”Setting her pot down, Nicole turned in her arms and encircled Waverly’s waist. Waverly felt the tension of her day begin to evaporate as she laid her head against Nicole’s chest and focused on her heartbeat. Nicole ran her hands through Waverly’s brown tendrils of hair. “Bad afternoon, baby?” she asked.
“Yeah and no,” Waverly admitted. Pulling away to look at Nicole, she told her about finally getting to see patients and then the flowers.
“Jezzzz, Waves! Baby, why didn't you call me?” Nicole said pulling her close again. Waverly felt her reserve begin to break. She willed herself not to cry. It didn’t work. Nicole felt her shirt dampen. Placing long lean finger under Waverly’s chin, she pulled her face up to meet her own. Nicole gently glided her lips across Waverly’s. The brunette moved her hand up to twine her fingers in Nicole’s red locks pulling her closer and letting out a moan. Nicole lifted Waverly off the floor, turned, and sat her on the counter without breaking their kiss. Nicole ran her hands up and down Waverly’s thighs and around to caress her buttocks. Pulling her closer, Waverly circled her legs around Nicole’s hips grinding against her. Just as their kiss deepened, Nicole pulled away, “Waves, wait….”
Waverly was trying to catch her breath. “Not here,” Nicole said. “Let’s go……” Waverly slid of the counter taking Nicole’s hand. She led them out the door and down to her truck. Climbing in, Nicole started it and sped out of town to an overlook of the city. It was the middle of the week and no one was there. Neither had said a word on the drive as their sexual tension was explosive. When Nicole turned off the ignition, she climbed out, opened the extended cab door, and pulled out her camping gear she had never unpacked at the loft. Waverly watched as Nicole lowered the bed of the pickup and spread out the sleeping bags. When finished, she reached for Waverly’s hand who had made her way to the back of the truck.
Nicole lifted Waverly and sat her on the bed of the truck. She ran her hands once again up Waverly’s thighs and eventually pulling her against her body. Waverly didn’t move as Nicole ran her hands under her shirt and pulled it over her head. Nicole wasted no time in capturing Waverly’s mouth and seeking permission to explore the heat with her tongue and exploring her torso with roaming hands. In the blink of an eye, Nicole had unsnapped Waverly’s bra. As she moved to remove the straps, she let her mouth trace the path each left.
Waverly wrapped her legs around Nicole’s hips and pulled her closer as the woman’s mouth began exploring the mounds of her breasts. Nicole left wet kisses across the edge of each bra cup. Waverly moved to pull it off but Nicole stopped her. While her hands held Waverly’s, Nicole took the bra between her teeth and pulled it away. Waverly thought she had never seen anything so sexy as her girlfriend standing there with her bra between her teeth. Nicole smirked and spit it out. Licking her lips and still holding Waverly’s wrists, she lowered her head and captured a peak. As she suckled the hard peak, she let her tongue run over it. Waverly arched her back trying to get closer wanting more. Nicole released Waverly’s wrists and wrapped one around her bare waist while the other massaged the other breast.
Waverly was on fire. She wanted to touch Nicole’s skin but she didn’t want her lover stop what she was doing to strip. Waverly moaned and ground her hips into Nicole’s stomach. Waverly somehow realized that Nicole had on a button down shirt. She gripped the sides and pulled popping buttons as it opened. Nicole’s mouth never left Waverly as she slipped her arms out of the shirt. Waverly didn’t stop. She unhooked Nicole’s bra and removed it as well. Once nothing hindered their progression, Waverly pulled Nicole’s chest against her own moving her lips to capture Nicole's. She let a straggled growl when their bodies touched.
“God, I’ve missed you, Waves,” Nicole said catching her breath.
“Me too, baby,” Waverly said now tugging at the button on Nicole’s jeans. Nicole undone her pants and discarded them and her lacy underwear quickly. She then help Waverly with her dress pants and panties. Soon they were totally nude and laying in the back of Nicole’s pickup totally lost in one another oblivious to everything around them.
Sometime later with their clothing strewn about the ground and snuggled against one another under a blanket Nicole found in the truck cab, they lay in silence enjoying the only quiet time together they'd had in weeks. “Can we just stay here?” Waverly asked feathering her fingers across Nicole’s stomach.
“If only,” she managed to say as her skin tingled with every move of Waverly's fingers.
As Waverly and Nicole’s fingers danced along the other’s skin, Waverly asked, “Where are we gonna go, baby? I mean, Dolls wants us to get out of town, but where are we going to go that someone doesn’t or can't find us?”
Nicole thought for a moment. “I have an idea,” she finally said.
Waverly propped up on an elbow to look at Nicole. Nicole smiled mischievously. “You know, you just said you wanted to stay here.”
“Yeah, and….”
“Let’s go camping,” Nicole suggested.
“Camping?” Waverly gave Nicole an 'are you crazy look'.
“Yeah, Waves. It will be fun.”
“You do realize that I have NEVER been camping?”
“There’s a first time for everything, babe. Plus, we don’t have to make reservations, at least not where I have in mind.”
Waverly looked at Nicole skeptically. “Are you sure about this?”
“What could be better than sleeping under the stars in the middle of nowhere with the most beautiful woman in the world,” Nicole smiled confidently using what she knew would convince Waverly---- her puppy dog eyes and dimples.
“Fine,” Waverly huffed. “Damn dimples get me every time.”
“I love you, Waves,” Nicole kissing Waverly’s shoulder.
“I love you too, Nicole,” Waverly replied capturing Nicole’s lips. It was almost twilight when Nicole and Waverly finally packed up and headed back to the loft.

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