Chapter 2

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The rest of the week was fairly uneventful, but still Friday couldn’t come soon enough for both women. They talked each night finalizing their plans and discussing the needed attire. As Friday evening rolled around, Waverly arrived at the nurses’ desk just as Nicole walked down the hall from the lounge with a suitcase and dress bag.
“Ready?” Waverly asked taking the dress bag.
“Yes!” Nicole replied before placing a brief kiss on the brunette’s lips. “Let’s get out of here before I’m paged again.” Once in the Waverly’s red Jeep, she stopped at a drive-through before hitting the interstate. She was glad she had gotten some caffeine because not only was it a 4 hour drive, but Nicole had already dozed off in the passenger seat. It was around 11 p.m. when they arrived at the Hyatt and almost 12 a.m. before getting settled in their rooms. Waverly was hanging up the last of her clothes when Nicole plopped down on the bed and announced she was hungry. Waverly called down for room service and asked for a fruit and cheese tray be sent up. Ten minutes later, the tray arrived. Waverly tipped the valet and crawled into bed beside Nicole. Waverly, exhausted  from the long drive, leaned against the headboard and watched Nicole pop grapes and Gouda cheese into her mouth. As she watched the red head, she began to wonder how she had found someone so beautiful both inside and out. She wondered what the weekend would hold for the two. Nicole realized that Waverly was watching her with sleepy eyes. “You’re exhausted.” With a sleepy smile, she agreed.
“I’ll go and let you get some rest,” Nicole said picking up the tray to leave. Waverly quickly reached to capture Nicole’s arm. “Don’t you dare go.”                                                                                                                                                   “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” she said drowsily. Nicole set the tray back on the bed and leaned against the headboard popping two more grapes into her mouth. “Stay right here,” Waverly mumbled as she curled into Nicole’s side, throwing an arm over her waist, and laying her head on her chest. Nicole wrapped an arm around Waverly pulling her close. “Rest, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered as she felt her girlfriend’s body relax and sleep took over.  It was 4 a.m. when Nicole was startled awake by the sheets being jerked away and the food tray hitting the floor. Sitting up trying to get her bearings, Nicole realized Waverly was not in the bed. Turning on the lamp, she looked around the room and found Waverly pressed against the wall clutching the sheets tightly to her chest. Her breathing was hard and fast and her eyes were wild and staring. A night terror, Nicole deduced. She had to be careful trying to wake the woman quivering before her. Nicole crawled across the bed and slid into the floor in front of Waverly. She tried to push farther away from the woman coming near her, but the wall stopped her. When Nicole tried to reach for Waverly, she started shaking her head furiously and yelling, “Get away from me! STOP! I don’t want to!” Nicole pulled back her hand and tried to gently call out to Waverly, “Waves, baby, it’s me, Nicole. I’m not going to hurt  you, baby. It’s a dream…a nightmare.”
“Nicole,” Waverly whispered and reached for her girlfriend.                                                                                              “Yeah, baby, it’s me,” she said taking the girl’s offered hand thinking she had awoken.                                                  “NO! NO! You have to leave,” ushered Waverly earnestly. “They’ll get you too!”                                                          “Baby, who?” Who will get me?” Nicole questioned now realizing she was still in the nightmare.                                   “Them,” she whispered.  Nicole’s mind was racing of what to do. Maybe if she coaxed her back into bed, she’d calm back down. “Hey, Waves, let’s try to hide so they won’t be able to find us,” Nicole suggested.
“Yeah, hide,” Waverly said looking around the room. Nicole took Waverly’s hand and climbed up the side of the bed. She rolled over to face the wall and pulled Waverly tight against her body. She covered them both with Waverly’s bonus blanket. By the time she had finished, Waverly’s body had relaxed, her breathing had regulated, and she had returned to peaceful slumber. The morning brought rays of sunshine pouring through the large window and the smell of bacon and eggs. Waverly opened her eyes to find Nicole tipping the valet who was blushing and avoiding looking in the brunette’s direction. When the valet left, she sat up and greeted Nicole, “Hey.”
“Good morning,” Nicole responded smiling. “I hope you don’t mind me ordering breakfast.”                                         “No, of course not. It smells delicious,” Waverly stated as she unraveled herself from the bedding. Once untangled, she headed to the bathroom and returned to find Nicole sitting at the small table in front of the windows.
“Sorry about last night,” Waverly said as she sat down with her plate and took a sip of coffee. Nicole was shocked to hear that. Most people who have night terrors don’t remember them. “It’s okay,” Nicole said somewhat confused.
“I’m a terrible host. I invite you on a weekend getaway and I wind up falling asleep.” She didn’t remember, thought Nicole. “It’s fine. You were exhausted. Plus,” she said reaching for her girlfriend’s hand, “we have ALL weekend.”
“That we do,” Waverly smiled. As they finished breakfast, they planned the day for sight-seeing. Although both had attended the university, Nicole had lived in an apartment off-campus while Waverly live on-campus. With Nicole being more familiar with the hotspots, she led the way for a day of exploration.  They returned mid-afternoon to allow for plenty of time to ready themselves for the evening. Each closed the adjoining doorway to hide their finished product for their elegant evening. Each agreed to text when ready so there wouldn’t be an early reveal.  It was nearing 5 p.m. when they texted one another. Standing in front of the adjacent doorway, each opened the door seeing the other. Neither said a word as they stood staring at one another. Nicole noticed Waverly had on a slim, tight fitting, low cut black dress with black heels. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a type of curly ponytail with ringlets hanging loosely around her face. Nicole found it difficult to breath as she allowed herself to slowly admire her girlfriend’s body. She licked her lips as she ran her eyes along Waverly’s neck imagining herself finding that one spot that she knew would send her over the edge. And, those legs. Although Waverly wasn’t tall, her legs were well toned and looked amazingly smooth. So smooth Nicole wanted to run her hands along those legs to find her way under Waverly’s dress. As Nicole’s mind wondered, Waverly stood in awe at Nicole.  She was dressed in an emerald green off the shoulder dress that  silhouetted her curves and accented her messy curled auburn hair that Waverly could feel in her fingers. She was glad Nicole wore it natural because if she had anything to do with, her fingers would be in her hair before the night was over if not sooner. Waverly admired Nicole’s athletic body. She was a runner and her long lean legs indicated this.
Finally Waverly finally caught her breath. “WOW!” She moved toward Nicole and skimmed her fingers down her arm to twine their fingers together. “You look absolutely stunning,” she said as she placed a kiss in Nicole’s palm.
“And you, babe, have absolutely taken my breath away,” Nicole said capturing Waverly’s mouth with her own. Just as their kiss deepened, Waverly’s room phone rang. With a moan, Waverly slipped from Nicole’s arms to answer it.
Returning, the shorter woman held out her elbow as an invitation. “Your chariot awaits, Milady.”                    “What is this?” she asked looping her arm through Waverly’s.                                                                                         “You didn’t think I was actually going to drive in this crazy traffic did you? Heck no! I got a limo for the evening,” she said winking at the tall red head.
“Beautiful and smart,” Nicole said smiling and placing another kiss on Waverly’s lips. “You just might be a keeper." As they headed downstairs and walked through the lobby, people stared at the couple, but both ladies were oblivious to the world around them as they were too mesmerized with one another to take notice. In the limo, the driver opened the champagne and closed the privacy window. They enjoyed both on the way to theatre. As bad as they wanted to kiss, however, they refrained so as not to dishevel the hard work of the afternoon. Again the crowd seemed to stare as the drive escorted each from the limo. Holding hands as they made their way into the building and to their seats. The lighting was dim and romantic as it cascaded the walls in vibrant colors. The railing of the staircase was carved mahogany. As they ascended to find their seats, one of the hostesses offered champagne. Each took a glass and slowly made their way to the main hall. As escort helped them find their seats. There they held hands as they finished their drink. The play ended around 10 p.m. Maneuvering the crowd to leave took time. Time wasn’t important to the them at the moment. Being together and enjoying the night was their priority. Eventually they made it back to the limo where the driver informed them he had called ahead to the restaurant to warn them of the delay. He also had refilled their glasses. Saturday night in the city meant heavy traffic even at the late hour. They two set in the back and relished in the quiet while sipping their refreshed champagne. When Nicole finished hers, she took Waverly’s and placed them in the holders. Turning to Waverly with a hungry look in her eyes, she captured the brunette’s mouth with her own. It was no feathery kiss. It was a deep, tongue-teasing, lustful one that left both women gasping for breath and wanting more. Nicole moved from Waverly’s mouth to her neck looking for that sensitive spot she had wanted to find earlier. She took her time nibbling, kissing, and tasting a trail along her neck to her shoulder. Waverly leaned her head back offering Nicole better access. Nicole moved in the seat to straddle Waverly’s lap. She slid the straps of Waverly’s dress down her arms and followed the material with her lips and tongue. Waverly was holding Nicole by her hips when the limp suddenly veered causing Nicole’s knee to slide more solidly between the other woman’s legs. In reflex, Waverly threw Nicole to the side and  launched herself across the aisle and into the other seat.  With eyes wide with panic, she began earnestly apologizing. “Oh, god, Nicole, I’m sorry! I’m so very sorry! Are you okay?” Shaken and confused, Nicole straightened her dress. “Yeah, I’m fine. What…what happened? What was that about? Did I do something wrong?”
“I’m sorry, Nicole,” she repeated with tears filling her eyes. She turned and knocked on the privacy window. When the drive answered, she instructed him to take her back to the hotel. “But, if she wants to go the restaurant, please take her.”
“What!? No, Waves, I’m not going without you!” Nicole declared.
“Whatever you want,” Waverly muttered. As soon as the car stopped, Waverly bolted leaving Nicole to make heads or tails of what the hell just happened. Once in her room, Nicole found the adjoining door locked. She knocked but heard nothing. She changed and returned to find it still locked. This time knocked and then knocked harder. “Waves, please, let me in,” she begged. No reply. “Please, baby, let me in and we’ll deal with whatever it is….together.” Still nothing. Anger gripped Nicole since being nice wasn’t getting her anywhere. “Damnit, Waverly, open the door!  It was then she heard the click of the lock, but the door itself, did not open. Nicole slowly turned the knob and opened the door. Looking around she found her girlfriend in the fetal position leaning against the headboard squeezing a pillow as if her life depending on holding it. Nicole's anger quickly dissipated.  As Nicole approached the bed, Waverly tensed even more and tried to avoid her.
As much as she wanted to reach out and comfort Waverly, Nicole knew better. After last night’s terrors and now the limo incident, she was afraid Waverly might spiral farther. Instead, she took a softer tone, “Baby, talk to me, please.” Waverly continued to stare at nothing. “Waves, was it me? Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far?” There was a reaction. Tears filled Wavelry’s eyes and cascaded down her cheeks. She shook her head no. Nicole decided to go a different route. “Did it have something to do with last night?” Waverly looked at her in confusion. Nicole continued, “You had a night terror, Waves. Do you remember any of it?”  More tears formed and fell. Nicole continued slowly, “You kept saying someone----they----were going to get you-----us.”
At this point Waverly broke into heavy sobs. Her body shook with heavy breaths and a flood of tears. This time Nicole didn’t stop herself. She climbed into the bed and pulled Waverly against her chest letting Waverly’s heavy sobs rack her body. Nicole’s heart broke for the woman in her arms. As she held the smaller woman closely, she let her own tears fall in anguish. Eventually, Waverly calmed, but Nicole didn’t let go. She waited hoping her girlfriend would talk about whatever it was haunting her. “I’m sorry,” Waverly finally sniffed. “I’m so sorry!” she repeated more earnestly. “Waves, please, please, talk to me,” Nicole begged.
“I can’t,” Waverly whispered.
“Can you try?” Nicole encouraged. Waverly pushed away from Nicole far enough to look in her eyes. She wanted to tell this beautiful, kind, woman who had the biggest heart. She needed to tell her. But, fear stopped her. Waverly was frightened of the consequences once Nicole found out about her past. “I’m afraid,” Waverly admitted. “Of me?”
“What!? Oh god, no, Nicole. I’d never be afraid of you.” Waverly paused trying to find the right words and the courage to tell the woman in front of her whom she was absolutely crazy about her haunting secret. A secret that had kept her from having a life---a real life. “It’s more about your reaction, I guess. How you’ll see me,” Waverly confessed. Nicole had been trying to piece the puzzle together. Afraid she was right but hoping she was wrong, she asked, “Waverly, baby, did someone hurt you?” Waverly nodded.
“Baby, when? Who?” Nicole questioned but not beginning to fit the pieces together. Dropping her head and working the edges of the pillow case, she muttered, “When I was 10.”Nicole cringed but stayed silent hoping Waverly would continue. “It happened three times,” she finally added.
“The same person?”                                                                                                                                                              “No,” Waverly said quietly as she wiped a tear that had escaped down her face.
“Oh, baby,” replied Nicole laying her hand on Waverly’s arm to offer support but trying not to interrupt her fidgeting. "The first happened in school by a classmate. It started in fourth grade with him following me all the time. I couldn't get away from him. Everywhere I went he was just there." She sniffed and continued. "The teachers all thought it was sweet that I had an admirer. Then in middle school, it got worse. He would follow me like.....basically into the bathroom and just wouldn't leave me alone." Waverly took a ragged breath. "On day at assembly, I had dropped my book. I bent over to get it, and he.....he...ran his hands down the back of my pants and pulled me to him. I was mortified. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before."
"Did anyone see?"                                                                                                                                                                                                     "I'm not sure. I did go to the principal and he was suspended. I'm not sure what happened after that. He just seemed to go away."    
“Not long after that, one night, my parents went out and my grandfather stayed with me. He started asking about my pubic hair and period. It made me really uncomfortable. I started to go to my room and he stopped me. He sat down on the couch beside and….and before I knew what was happening, his hands were all over me…in places….that they shouldn’t have been.” Tears were again flowing down both women’s faces. Nicole asked if she had told anyone. “Lot of good it did,” Waverly sneered. “I told my parents. But…you know what they did?” she said finally looking at Nicole with pain on her face. “They asked me what I….me….what I had done to provoke it!” Waverly’s voice cracked in anger. “They made it seem it was my fault! It was all my fault, Nicole, that I got attacked that night.”
Nicole closed her eyes trying to process what Waverly had just said and trying to control the anger that was boiling up inside her. She now understood why Waverly never mentioned her parents. Afraid to find out more, but knowing Waverly needed to keep talking, she prodded, “Who was the other?”
“My best friend’s dad,” Waverly admitted. “It was within a few of months of the others. I was spending the night with her and her sister. Their mom was running errands, so he was with us.” Waverly paused and took a deep shaky breath. She zoned out like she was replaying the night her head. “I had gone to the kitchen to get something to drink. I had gotten my glass from the cabinet and was turning to the sink when he backed me into the corner with his body and blocked me with his arms.”   Tears were flowing and panic was beginning to set in again. Nicole tilted Waverly’s face up to so she could only see Nicole. “Hey, you’re not there. You’re here…..with me.” She laid her forehead against Waverly's hoping to calm her.  When Waverly’s breathing became calm again, she continued. “He wanted me to go in the laundry room with him. He wanted to show me what it meant to be a man and how it worked.” Looking at Nicole, Waverly admitted that the only thing that saved her that night was her best friend walking around the corner. “Did you ever tell anyone about him?”
“Years later. After what happened previously, I just didn’t see the point. But the time I did though, it was too late.” Nicole laid her forehead against Waverly’s. “God, Waves, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
“How could you? I’ve never told another soul….until now.”
“No one?”                                                                                                                                                                                                    “No. I’ve never trusted anyone enough to.” Waverly laced her fingers through Nicole’s. “I’ve never met anyone like you, Nicole Haught. Felt about anyone the way I do you. I want to try with you. I want to try IT with you.”
“Waves, have you ever…ya know….had sex?” Nicole asked shyly. Looking away embarrassed, Waverly confessed she hadn’t. She had tried once in college with a guy, but it didn’t go very well….actually at all. Nicole caressed Waverly’s face and turned her chin up to look at her. “Baby, I’m not that guy. And I’m not in this relationship for the sex.” Grinning mischievously and trying to add some humor to the tense conversation, she added, “It’s a perk, yes, but it is NOT the sole purpose of me being with you.” Waverly pulled Nicole lips to her own and gently kissed her. She then pulled her forehead against her own and whispered, “Thank you.” Nicole kissed her forehead and replied, “No, Waves, thank you….for trusting me.”
“You made it easy.” Waverly pulled away from Nicole and made her way to the bathroom. Before closing the door, she turned around. “Will you stay with me---please? I really don’t want to be alone.” Smiling back at the red faced, swollen eyed brunette, she answered, “I’m not going anywhere, baby. As long as you want me, I’ll be by your side.” Relief seemed to wash over Waverly. To ease the tension more, Nicole added, “That is as long as you don’t hog the covers again.”
“I’ll do my best not too,” Waverly smiled and closed the bathroom door.

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