lōkahi no

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"Where do we find this Hunter Malay?" Catherine's question brings Lori back to reality. "It's in Manoa, here in Honolulu." says one of the agents and straightens his sunglasses. Why do they wear sunglasses in the building? Chin wonders, shaking his head. He sees a grin on Danny's face and thinks he's thinking the same thing as himself. But then he follows Danny's eyes and sees Lori, who is staring totally at Steve. Chin shakes his head again. He remembers when Lori tried to question him about Steve. She had a crush on Steve then. But Steve had never noticed. No wonder, since he is so loyal to Catherine and loves her more than anything, that he doesn't notice other women looking at him. Like right now. "Manoa? That's near Delwa's house." says Steve with a frown. The agent in the black suit looks at him in surprise. "Strange, we got him an apartment in Wakiki. Then why was he in Manoa?" "Maybe to be close to the suspected butcher. To better monitor him." suggests Kono. Steve looks briefly at Catherine and she immediately calls up the two addresses on a card. "Here, this is Delwa's house and this is the Malay address." Catherine points to two houses that are close to each other. Steve squints his eyes to better appreciate the distance. "I would say ... only 10 meters away from each other. Perfect for monitoring someone, but ..." "... again too close, as one is easily spotted." one of the agents throws in. When Steve gave him an astonished look for the comment, the agent shrugged and replied, "Marine sniper." Steve's astonishment alternates with admiration and he says, "Navy Seal with sniper training." He shakes hands with the agent. The agent says with a laugh. "By the way, I'm Special Agent Alex Broak, formerly Gunnery Sergeant." "Lt. Commander Steve McGarret." Danny claps his hands. "If you're already introducing yourself, let me introduce myself. Hi, Detective Danny Williams." He offers Alex his hand. The other agents are finally introducing themselves. Next to Special Agent Broak are Agent Amelie Benson, Agent Clarke Decker and of course Special Agent Lori Weston. "Special Agent? Wow, you've really achieved something." Chin says and pats Lori on the shoulder in admiration. She gives a short smile. Then she clears her throat. "So what do we do now?" "We have to be careful not to warn Malay in advance." says Catherine. Steve nods in agreement. "And we should look around in Delwa's house again. With the new findings, we can search more specifically." He looks at Agent Broak. "Alex, what do you think of taking a closer look at the house. With the eyes of a sniper?" Alex nods, but looks at Lori. She notices the look. "We're all a team now. You don't need to ask my permission, Alex." "Ok, that's a deal then." says Steve and assigns tasks. "Alex and I have a look around Delwa's house. Catherine and Kono, you ask Kamekona if he has heard of Malay in his circles. Take Agent Benson with you. The rest of you get information about Malay from the HPD, Internet .... We need as much information about him as possible." Chin nods and pulls out his cell phone. "I'll call Duke at HPD right away." "Ok, that would be sorted out. Get to work." says Steve satisfied, gives Catherine a quick but gentle kiss on the cheek and walks with Alex to the parking lot.

Everyone gets to work with enthusiasm. If Hunter Malay really is the butcher, better he is arrested today than tomorrow. Catherine, Kono and Agent Benson walk to the parking lot shortly after Steve and Alex and get into Kono's red car. "Who is this Kamekona? An informant?" Amelie asks curiously while Kono neatly steers the car through downtown Honolulu. "Something like that. He has a criminal past, but has now been rehabilitated. He's also a good friend of ours and still has connections to criminals. He often helps us out with information. But first get to know him." Catherine replies with a mysterious smile. Finally they arrived at the starnd. Kono just parks her car and immediately they all stand in front of Kamekona's Shrimp Stand. Amelie watches in astonishment as a fat Hawaiian with a grin hugs Kono first, then Catherine. She looks fascinated at his T-shirt, on which a shrimp with Kamekona's face is depicted. She only awakens from her fascination when Kono introduces her to Kamekona. She gently shakes hands with the Hawaiian. Kamekona greets you friendly with "Aloha." then he turns to Catherine and Kono. Playfully angry he says: "Neither of you were here yesterday. Did you find a new shrimp stand or why?" "Excuse me, Kamekona, but we have a complicated case at the moment and unfortunately we didn't have much time yesterday." Kono replies with a regret in voice. This is not one hundred percent true, but it is enough to reassure Kamekona. The tall Hawaiian immediately nods understandingly. "Ok, but you sure aren't just here to talk. So what is it this time?" Kono pulls out her cell phone and shows Kamekona photos of Delwa and Malay. "Do you know either of them? Thomas Delwa or Hunter Malay?" asks Catherine. Kamekona takes a closer look at the photos. Then he nods and points to Malay. "Yeah, I've seen him here before. A strange guy." "How strange?" Kono inquires. "The guy always stared strangely at the women on the beach. Really creepy. I wanted to ask him to leave because I had a bad feeling, but luckily he left." Kamekona remembers. Amelie looks around. There are a lot of women on the beach in partly very short bikinis that cover just the most important things. "I don't know, but surely there are a lot of guys here who stare at women?" Kamekona shakes his head slightly. "Sure, but not that creepy guy. He really had a strange look." Catherine pulls out her cell phone and walks away to inform Steve. Kono puts a reassuring hand on Kamekona's shoulder. "Very well observed!"A little later the three of them are back in the car on their way back to headquarters. Kamekona wanted to force one of his shrimp burritos on them, but they could stop him. Since Amelie still looks a bit confused, Catherine says: "I know, Kamekona is not exactly your typical informant, but he had a good knowledge of people. If he thinks the guy was strange, we'll be careful." "Did you inform Steve?" asks Kono. Catherine nods. "Yes, and I told Danny too." Kono just says "good!" and stops at a red light. "I just hope the boys are careful in Delwa's house." Catherine sighs softly and looks out the window.

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