Ummm... WDY False Wings Ideas

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I am holding back the urge to make this a book because I know I'm just gonna drop it.


Ideas for an AU I'll never write but only draw because I don't need anymore WDY books.

1. The world above is called Medona Skyeville.

2. There are diffrent people in Medona.
  •Fast Wings (They test the wings and their speed)
  •Walkers (They don't use wings to fly, they use giants birds to fly called Pestogos)
  •Inventor (They make the wings)

3. Sam is the only person who belives in "The World Below". Everyone thinks she's crazy.

4. Eteled is a Starling. He can only talk to Sam during nighttime because he disappears when the sun rises.

5. Sam likes to test how fast she can go, because of it... she crashes a lot, so she has a scars in some areas on her body.

Das it.

Taylor over and out.

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