Chapter Forty-Six

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          "How did this happen?" Will asks after the guard closes the door behind Allie and Rita. "The dorb didn't know when to shut her mouth." Rita says with a frown. "We all warned to her to stop bragging about Franky reducing her sentence." Allie adds. "Especially around the Freak." Will holds the bridge of his nose while letting out a heavy sigh. "Did anyone see how it happened?" Rita shakes her head as Allie looks down at the floor. When she meets Will's eyes, there are tears building in hers. "She came running into the room, mouth going a mile a minute. Ruby grabbed her arm to stop her and I turned away thinking everything would be okay. Next thing I know, the Freak is storming past me and they are both on the floor."

Franky watches as Bridget finishes tying her shoes. "You ready to go?" She asks when Bridget looks up at her. Bridget smiles as she stands and walks over to her wife, moving her arms around the back of her neck. "So ready." She pulls Franky closer as she feels her hands wrap around her waist. "To sleep with my wife again." She says softly; trying not to strain her voice and irritate her throat. Franky blushes and moves her hands down to cup her behind, pressing them closer together. "When you put it that way..." She smiles before they kiss gently. Bridget moves her hand under brown locks as she deepens the kiss. Franky's soft moan turns into a loud groan as they hear the door to the room open. Bridget chuckles against her lips before they break apart completely.

After stopping to pick up the script for pain meds, Bridget decides to mention something that has been on her mind since Franky arrived with breakfast and coffee. "Baby. I saw the video of yesterday." Franky tenses and grips the steering wheel tighter in her hands. Bridget turns her body to face Franky to put less pressure on her neck. "Will stopped by while you were out getting breakfast. He showed me the footage to see if Ferguson could claim an insanity plea." Franky clenches her teeth as she fights the tears burning the back of her eyes. Bridget reaches over and places a hand on her thigh. "Thank you. For saving my life." Franky turns her head quickly to look at her, tears filling her eyes. She turns back to face the road, a tear sliding down her face, and clears her throat. "Um. I didn't. Juice did." Seeing that they are around the corner from home, Bridget waits until they pull in the driveway before continuing. "Baby," she says while reaching for the side of Franky's face. Franky turns off the car and sits motionless. "Franky, look at me love." Franky slowly turns and looks into the loving blue eyes of her wife, tears streaming down her face. "Joan had every intention of killing me yesterday, just to bring you out of hiding. I could see that in her eyes as soon as she held me against the wall." Franky lets out a whimper as fresh tears slide down her cheeks. "When you stepped out of your office, you caused such a distraction, she didn't know how to react. She didn't plan on you being there. That action alone is what allowed us to be here today." Franky's eyes widen and she opens her mouth to speak. "You, being less than ten feet away, made her hesitate enough to allow Juice to react. You, my love, my wife allowed that to happen. She doesn't know how much you have grown. She didn't know what you would do. She was in more of a defensive position than she planned on being in." Franky quickly unlatches her seatbelt and reaches for Bridget's face before kissing her deeply. Bridget undoes her seatbelt before wrapping her arms around Franky. Franky breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against Bridget's, letting out a heavy sigh. Bridget pulls her closer. "What's wrong baby?" Franky chuckles lightly. "I've been so embarrassed that Juice saved you instead of me. So mad at myself for not protecting my wife..." Bridget kisses her lightly. "You know what else baby? The whole time Ferguson was choking me, all I could think of was you. Your face, your touch... You kept me alive." Franky loses all control and starts to sob. Bridget tucks Franky's head into the crook of her neck while hugging her tightly. "You are my heart and soul baby. And I wasn't going to let Ferguson be the last thing I saw. And most importantly, I'm not done with you yet." Franky looks up into her eyes and chuckles. "There is so much more I want to do with you Franky D. Westfall." Bridget blushes as she watches Franky's face soften with her words. "I love you so much Gidge." Bridget smiles before placing a kiss on her lips. "I love you too baby. So much."

Twenty minutes later, after a brief make-out session in the car, they have changed into more comfortable clothes and settled back into their regular routine. Bridget enters the living room with a glass of wine and sees Franky fiddling with her phone near the radio system. "Everything okay baby?" She asks as she places her glass of wine on the table next to the radio. Franky turns with a smile and moves her arms around her wife's waist. "We haven't danced in a while. Would you do me the honor?" Bridget blushes as she smiles while wrapping her arms around the brunettes' neck. Franky pulls them closer and places a kiss on the side of her neck before burying her head into the crook of her neck, slowly swaying them back and forth as the music begins to play. Bridget smiles as she holds her closer, resting her head on her shoulder. They move silently through the first song, enjoying the feel of each other in their arms, gently caressing one another. "I was so afraid of losing you." Franky mumbles against the blonde's neck, tightening her arms around her waist. Bridget runs her fingers up the back of her neck, sending a warm shiver through Franky's body. "You would never let that happen; and you didn't." Franky sighs as the memory of Bridget crumbling to the floor runs through her mind. "Thank you, baby." Bridget says making Franky look into her eyes. Bridget sees the confusion in her face and smiles. "For making the promise." Franky looks down making Bridget take her face in her hands to make her look into her eyes. "I can't promise I will never go after anyone that physically hurts you Gidge." Bridget sees the tears forming in her eyes. She gently caresses her face with her hands. "But you did baby. So, thank you." Franky shakes her head and looks down again. "There was no choice this time." She looks up into Bridget's blue eyes. "There was a fifty-fifty chance you were okay, or I could finish off the Freak and lose you forever. There wasn't a doubt in my mind of which to choose." Bridget's eyes fill with tears as she sees them begin to fall from Franky's. Bridget notices the song playing in the background and remembers their conversation after Franky came home last weekend. How she realized that she was wrong for asking Franky to go against what she believed deep inside her heart, causing the dam to break and her tears to pour down her face. She holds Franky's face tighter as she crashes their lips together. Franky breaks the kiss to breathe and looks into the emotional blue eyes in front of her. She realizes what Bridget is thinking and feels her heart swell with the love they have for one another. She caresses the side of Bridget's face before kissing her again and again. She nods in agreement, making Bridget smile, before they kiss passionately once again.

'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you oh oh

All of Me – John Legend

Fifteen minutes later, they are lying in bed, naked, making out under the covers. Bridget places a hand on the brunette's chest and slowly runs it down to her waist. Franky reaches for her hand before she can go any further. Bridget looks into her eyes for an answer. "As much as I want you right now, I just wanna hold you close. Feel your body against mine. Touch you all over. Just savor the feeling of you in my arms and with me." Bridget smiles as a light blush forms on her cheeks. She moves her hand around Franky and slowly runs her fingertips up her back, hearing her moan softly before crashing their lips together once again.

Around seven o'clock, Boomer unlocks the front door and enters, Shayne following behind her. "Just give me a minute to get her." Boomer says as Shayne takes a seat on the couch. Boomer walks down the hallway and gently knocks on the door to Franky and Bridget's bedroom. "Franky, are you awake? Shayne is here to see you." She waits a bit before checking the door. Finding it unlocked, she opens it slightly and peeks her head into the room. She can only smile as she sees her two roommates wrapped in each other's arms and sound asleep. She closes the door and walks back to the living room. "Sorry bub. They are out cold." Shayne smiles as he stands. "I figured they may be. It's been a hectic and emotional end to the week. I'll try and stop by tomorrow." Boomer nods as she follows him to the front door to let him out. She closes and locks the door behind her before bending over and picking up Sandy. "Time for dinner eh girl?"


Thank you all for your patience.  Things got hectic between readjusting to work after my bout with Covid and the rush of the holiday season.  Needed some time to reboot.  Still haven't gotten away to my "happy place" (the beach...more specifically LBI) but things have calmed.  Now it's just a matter of getting back into the writing routine. 

Hope you enjoy much as the others.  Thank you all for your continued support, comments and feedback.  And most importantly, STAY SAFE!!!

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