Chapter Fifty-Four

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          The next morning, Bridget puts the coffee pot down on the burner as she feels strong arms wrap around her waist. Franky gently kisses the side of her neck, tightening her hold around her wife. "Last night was amazing." She says softly before kissing the blonde's neck again. Bridget smiles as a warm shiver runs through her and turns in her lovers' arms. "You...were amazing." She says as she begins to blush. Franky smiles and pulls their bodies closer before leaning in for a kiss. Bridget moves her arms up and around Franky's neck as they continue to kiss slowly yet sensually. Franky reaches around Bridget's behind as she hums against her lips. "Any more new tricks up your sleeve?" They look deep into each other's eyes as Bridget smiles against her lips. "You'll have to earn them, like you did last night." Franky lets out a chuckle as she cups her behind and pulls them closer. "I knew you were holding out on me..." Bridget kisses her as she hums in agreement. They slowly sway back and forth as they break the kiss. "I didn't hear you complaining." Franky blushes slightly. "I don't care how many tricks you hide from me." She reaches up and caresses the side of the blonde's face. "As long as I'm the only one you share them with." Bridget smiles then leans in, touching their noses together. "I wouldn't want it any other way." They can feel the love for each other run through their bodies as they lean in to kiss; each one growing deeper and more passionate than the last. They pull each other closer, feeling the need for each other build with each kiss. "Hey Franks?" Franky breaks the kiss and turns her head toward Boomer, still holding Bridget close. "What's up Boomer?" Boomer turns the corner into the kitchen, seeing her friends in a tight embrace. "Can you um, give me a ride to Tony's? He's giving me a job at the bar and asked me to come in before lunchtime." Franky looks back at Bridget who smiles as she nods. "Sure. Just give me a minute to grab my shoes and keys." Boomer smiles with excitement. "Cool!" Franky turns back to Bridget. She places a firm yet passionate kiss on her lips before backing away. "I love you." Bridget smiles and reaches to caress her face. "I love you too baby." Franky turns to leave the kitchen when she hears Bridget call her name. "Don't be too long. I'm not done showing you how proud of you I am." Franky shows her wide, dimpled smile as Bridget blushes slightly at the admission.

Twenty minutes later, Franky enters the house and drops her keys into the bowl. "Gidge? I'm home." She looks around, looking for any sign of where her wife may be. She walks into the kitchen and peeks out the window, checking to see if she is in the backyard. 'Maybe she stepped out for a bit.' She turns and walks into the living room and sits down on the sofa. Just as she is a fingers length away from the remote, she catches the sight of Bridget out of the corner of her eye. She sits back on the sofa as Bridget walks in front of her, wearing only a bedsheet, and straddles her lap. Franky immediately reaches her arms around her and down around the swell of her behind. "That was a pretty quick trip." Franky blushes, knowing she broke a few speeding laws. "I had something important to get back to." She says while cupping the blonde's behind and pulling her up against her body.

Ten minutes later, both are out of breath, and Franky has been stripped of her shirt. Bridget rests her forehead against Franky's as hands continue to caress her back and behind, searching for a way under the fabric of the sheet. "You okay baby?" Bridget asks with a slight smile. She can tell the brunette is getting frustrated; and not sexually. "How many times did you wrap this thing around you Gidge?" She asks with exasperation. Bridget smiles and removes Franky's hands from around her before standing. She watches Franky's eyes fill with longing as she slowly loosens the sheet and drops it to the floor. She hears Franky gasp before gulping at the sight before her eyes, causing a rush of warmth to run between her legs. "God you're beautiful." Franky says before reaching for her.

It doesn't take long before Franky has her panting against the side of her neck, bodies glistening with a thin layer of sweat. Bridget leans over and gently bites her neck, causing a groan that Bridget can feel run through her body. She reaches for Franky's hand that's buried between their legs. "I'm getting you wet." She pants as she feels the dampness on Franky's trackies. Franky chuckles against her neck before kissing just below her ear. "In more ways than one." She feels Bridget's reaction to her words more than she can hear it and takes that as a cue that she is getting close. She moves her fingers deeper into her lover, longing to feel her tremble against her. "Oh m..." Bridget gasps while holding Franky a bit tighter. Franky can feel herself getting closer as Bridget moves her hips against her hand, causing it to apply just the right amount of pressure to her own center. She begins sucking on the pulse point on the blonde's neck as she slowly increases the pace of her hand. "Unh...oh..." Bridget buries her face into the crook of Franky's neck, vaguely aware of music playing from beneath them. "Shit, hold on Gidge." Franky grumbles, while shifting enough to pull her cell phone from her back pocket beneath them. She silences the phone and tosses it on the cushion beside them. No sooner does she get settled, she feels the familiar pressure around her fingers. "Fuck," she hears near her ear. Franky smiles to herself as she quickens the pace just enough to send Bridget over the edge. Every time she trembles with pleasure bringing Franky closer til they are both panting in each other's arms.

Bridget smiles to herself as she holds her lover tightly, occasionally kissing the side of her neck. Franky lets out a deep breath as relaxation begins to run through their bodies and sleepiness beginning to set in. Bridget sits up and looks into Franky's eyes. "Well, that wasn't exactly what I had planned..." Franky smiles and moves a strand of hair behind her ear, palm holding the side of her face. "But you just can't say no to me." Bridget smiles before leaning over and kissing her. "The things you do to me baby..." She begins to say as Franky's phone starts ringing again. Bridget turns and looks down at the screen. "Baby, it's Fessler." Franky looks down at the phone and then searches for her shirt as Bridget gets up from her lap. "Sorry Gidge, I gotta take this." Franky pulls on her shirt as she gets up from the sofa, and obvious damp spot on her trackies. "Hey Fess. Is everything okay?" She asks while walking out of the room.

Fifteen minutes later, after having dressed and awaiting Franky to be off the phone, Bridget walks towards their office. She notices the door ajar and the lights on. She stops in the doorway and leans against the frame. Franky is fully focused on the screen of her computer, notes scattered across her desk and highlighter in hand. "Everything okay baby?" Bridget asks quietly. Franky jumps, dropping the highlighter on the desk. "Shit Gidge!" Bridget smiles as she walks over to the desk. "Must be something serious for you to zone out like that." Franky blushes as she looks from the computer back to Bridget. "Yeah. It's Fergusons' file." Bridget suddenly grows serious. "Fessler called to say the court date was moved up to Monday. They don't want to take any chances of anyone else getting hurt after..." Franky trails off and Bridget sees the tears forming in her eyes. Bridget leans down and cups her face with both hands. "Baby, I'm okay." Franky looks up and can't help but to lean up and kiss her passionately. When they break apart, Franky looks down at the floor. "It still hurts Gidge." Bridget kisses her briefly. "And it will. But it will get easier as time goes by." Franky grows serious as she looks back into Bridget's eyes; much like her transformation at the pool table. "I'm going to put her away if it's the last thing I do. I'm not going to let her hurt anyone else I love, or anyone for that matter." Bridget smiles and kisses her again. "I'll come get you for dinner. I know that look..." Franky breaks out in a grin. "Fuck off." Bridget straightens up to leave but Franky takes her hand as she stands, stopping her momentarily. "I love you Gidge." Bridget smiles before kissing her briefly. "I love you too baby."


My apologies for the long delay....Life got in the way.  

The morning after the challenge and an update on the court date.

As always, feedback is appreciated and definitely keeps the fire matter how long it takes for me to write it out LOL

Stay safe!  

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