Chapter Fifty-One

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          An hour later, Franky parks in the lot outside of a small bar in a quiet part of town. She can't help but to smile as she watches Bridget get out of the car, wearing a tight-fitting blouse and painted on jeans; a step down from her classier work attire, but perfect for blending in with the crowd here. Bridget blushes as she notices Franky eyeing her up and down. It still amazes her how Franky could practically wear a potato sack and still look hot. She walks up and takes both sides of the open flannel shirt in her hands and pulls the brunette closer. "You look hot baby." Franky brushes their noses together. "So do you." Bridget kisses her softly as her hands move under the flannel and against the singlet Franky is wearing under it. Franky cups her behind as she pulls her close. "You ready baby?" Bridget asks before things get too heated. Franky nods then breaks apart, only to take Bridget by the hand and lead them to the door, followed closely by Boomer.

"How do you know this place again?" Bridget asks as the three of them enter the small but cozy atmosphere of the bar. Franky looks at her and blushes slightly. "I used to come here when I was in the foster system. It's how I made money to buy food." She says while nodding toward the pool table in a brightly lit corner of the building. Bridget feels her heart sink at the thought of her wife having to hustle just to survive. She squeezes Franky's hand. Franky smiles. "The owner invited me in Gidge. He saw me..." "Franky Doyle. I'd recognize that voice anywhere." A loud voice booms from the doorway to the kitchen. Franky turns in the direction of the voice with surprise. "Tony?" She walks towards the broad-shouldered man as he reaches his arms out to embrace her. "Hey bub. How have you been?" Franky hugs him tightly, then breaks apart with a sniffle. "Aw, you know." Tony jokingly taps her chin lightly with a fist. They walk back towards Bridget and Boomer, chatting lightly.

"I heard about what happened with the show. I'm sorry Franky." Tony says while running a hand against his thinning black hair. Franky looks down at the floor blushing. "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the best thing that happened to me." She says as she looks up at Boomer and Bridget, then back at Tony. "Met my best mate, Boomer, there...and the love of my life, Bridget." Franky says as she reaches for Bridget's hand. Tony begins to say something, but Bridget is quick to cut him off. "I was the forensic psychologist..." Franky then steps in. "Saw the real me Tony. Not the angry little girl that hated her mother and the world. Just like you did." Tony's face softens as he recalls the day he first met Franky. "How did you meet?" Bridget asks. Tony motions toward the bar. "Let's sit first. Get you a couple drinks before heading down memory lane."

Fifteen minutes later, drinks in hand and a burger for Boomer, Tony wipes the counter with his towel. He glances down at Franky's and Bridget's hands on the counter as he drapes the towel over his shoulder. "Married her I see." He says with a smile. Franky can't help but to grin widely as Bridget blushes. "She's the best thing that happened to me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her." She looks Bridget in the eyes before kissing her briefly and squeezing her hand. Tony's face lights up with joy. "It's good to see you happy Franky. Genuinely happy." Bridget reaches up and caresses the side of her face. "I went out back to toss the garbage. Saw this lanky figure shivering under the vent from the kitchen, trying to stay warm. It had been pouring all day and the poor thing was soaked to the bone." Franky looks down at her beer as Bridget takes her hand in hers. "She didn't say much but was quick to take the food I offered. After a lot of poking and prodding..." He sees Franky blush as Bridget nudges her. "I got a name out of her and a bit of her situation. Told her she could come here whenever she needed a place to go, and if she helped a bit in the kitchen and with the cleaning, she could eat whatever she wanted. She did anything I asked, except take the free food offered. She was determined to pay for it on her own. When she wasn't working, she watched the guys shoot pool. Damned if she didn't act the pro when she first picked up the pool cue."

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