Chapter Eighteen

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She wakes up the next morning with a splitting headache. She tries to sit up but ends up lying back down and closing her eyes. When the dizziness fades, she opens her eyes and looks around. "What the fuck?" She says aloud. She looks around the backseat of her car. Slowly, she begins to remember what happened the night before. "Oh God!" She says while sitting up too fast. She manages to get the door open just in time before vomiting on the curb. "Please tell me I didn't sleep with her." She thinks when she looks at her watch. "Ah shit! Gidge." She frowns and jumps out of the backseat, just barely missing her puke on the curb. "Gidge is gonna kill me."

When she pulls in the driveway, she takes a deep breath and gathers her thoughts. She does the walk up shame up to the door and as quietly as possible, unlocks and opens it. She sees Bridget asleep on the couch and feels a stab of pain shoot through her chest. She walks over and gently moves a strand of hair behind her ear before pulling the blanket up to her chin and picking up the tissues scattered about the table and floor. She decides to hop in the shower before Bridget wakes and then confront the elephant in the room. No meal in Franky's menu book will make this any easier. She undresses quickly and hops in the shower, turning the water up as hot as she can bare. She looks for any signs of the night before on her body. Satisfied there aren't any, she turns off the water and steps out of the shower. She looks up for a towel and almost falls over at the sight of Bridget in front of her with her arms folded across her chest. 'Oh shit!'

"Gidge..." Bridget looks down at the floor. "Save it. Get dressed." She looks up at Franky. "And pack your bags." Franky opens her mouth to respond. "Don't." Bridget says before walking out of the room. Franky's eyes fill with tears as she reaches for a towel. She can't help but to hold it to her nose and inhale, knowing it may be the last time she will smell the scent of Bridget's perfume and choice of laundry detergent. Funny how something so simple can suddenly mean so much. She dries off and walks into their room to dress. Then reluctantly goes for a suitcase stashed in the back of the closet.

Fifteen minutes later, Franky walks into the living room pulling a single suitcase behind her. Bridget looks up from her coffee cup before placing it on the counter in front of her. Franky can see the tear stains running down her cheeks and longs to be able to wipe them away. She wipes her nose with her sleeve and shrugs her shoulders. Bridget scoffs then turns her head to fight away the tears. When she looks back, both of them have shed tears. "I trusted you Franky. And you ran to her anyway." Franky looks down at the floor. She knows it doesn't matter what she says. She didn't come home, so she looks guilty right from the start. "Erica was plastered, and I did the responsible thing and drove her home." Bridget sighs. "And no one else at the table could have done that?" Franky shrugs. She doesn't know why she offered before anyone else could. She was surprised herself to be honest. "Taxi drivers don't even go in when 'driving people home' Franky. And they don't stay the night." Franky looks up and sees a tear slide down Bridget's face. "I guess I was upset that you didn't bother to show..." Anger fills Bridget's face. "I DID show Franky. And you know what I saw when I found you? You were lip locked with that, that..." Franky takes a step towards her. "Don't you touch me. Not now. Not after what you did to us." Franky stops dead in her tracks as the floodgates open. "Just go Franky. I need some time alone." Bridget says while making eye contact. "Gidge, I didn't do anything. I swear." Bridget turns away, ending the conversation. When she hears the door close, she collapses on the floor and sobs.

"Franky, dinner is ready if you feel like joining us." Alan says through the bedroom door. Tess looks at him with hope. He waits another minute, then joins Tess at the table. "Will she be alright?" Tess asks with concern. Alan smiles weakly. "I hope so. She's in a rough place right now. She just needs some time." Tess looks back at her sisters' door. "Did she have a fight with Bridget?" Alan nods. "Yes bub. So, she'll be staying here for a little while." She looks back at her Dad. "So, she can fly kites with us now? Well, like more than before?" Alan chuckles. "Maybe in a few days bub. Franky's heart is hurting right now. I think she just need some time alone." Tears slide down Franky's face as she hears the conversation between her father and sister. To think that flying kites would be the answer. 'If it was only that easy Tess. If it was only that easy.'

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