ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 - ᴇᴄᴄᴅᴇɴᴛᴇsɪᴀsᴛ ೄྀ࿐

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       "3! 2! 1!"

       "Let it...RIP!"

       Akio and I were sitting in the front rows, getting a close-up view of the tournament finals. It was the Beigoma Academy Bey Club versus Rideout. We were swiftly transitioning onto the third match. Shu against Shinki with the scores of 1 - 1.

"Do you think Lui's gonna show?" Akio asked me, bouncing up and down in her seat as if it were a yoga ball.

"I-I'm not sure."

       Though Shu, in no time flat, clean the battle up nicely with a burst right off the bat, surprising us with the use of his non-dominate hand.

       "The Beigoma Academy Bey Club has a two point lead!" Hanami announces. Akio's face was filled with mixed emotions.

       "Shinki..." she mumbled, clearly disappointed with her teammate. "Never underestimate your opponent! We should have a lecture on that—"

       It's okay, A-Akio." I reassure with a soft smile. I set my left hand on her shoulder. "T-They'll find a w-way to catch—

       "You're an embarrassment—Get off the stage!"

       A loud, harsh voice boomed through the open air like a dragon's roar. I felt a sudden surge of vagueness, and a burst of air.

'I-Is that—'

       "Oh my gosh—OH my EFFING gosh—He's here! He's here!" The hazel pearled girl shouted with euphoria. She had to hit her palm in order to not continue her enlivened movements and squeals. "Lui actually showed up to the tournament!"

       "Didn't you hear me?" He snarled, folded arms and a unpleased look. "Get. Off! I will not tolerate a lousy performance!"

       His presence was abruptly cold and icy compared to all the times I've seen him, nothing like the calm and chill vibe I got the other day. The change was so...frightening. Goosebumps dotted across my skin as he uttered his next few words.

       "Bladers like you," a sharp smirk appeared, seemingly directed at blader on the opposite side. "Is what the other team is for."

       I could hear the conversation from below with pure accuracy. They were speaking to each other so loudly that everyone around the area could hear.

       "Akio...um." I gently tug the side of her tucked in baby blue shirt with an alien printed on the front. Her natural shade of scarlet curls flew with the brief wind as she turned. "What're they talking a-about? Why's Shu glaring at Lui?"

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