𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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Y/n let out a quiet groan at the sound of constant notifications coming in, waking her up from her sleep. It wasn't usual for her to wake up so easily, but today just was one of those days apparently.
She grabbed her phone, letting out another sound of discomfort as the blinding light from her screen made it almost impossible for her to keep her eyes open.

"What the fuck-" she muttered under her breath, watching as more and more notifications appeared on her screen.
She unlocked her phone, worried this would be something urgent or possibly something terrible had occured.


Kaminari: L/n

Kaminari: L/n

Kaminari: L/n

Kaminari: L/n

Kaminari: i beg you

Y/n watched the series of 'L/n's appear on her screen as she typed up a quick response so Kaminari would stop spamming her.

Y/n: what do you want
Kaminari? it's 6 am

Kaminari: YOU'RE AWAKE

Kaminari: can you tutor me?

Y/n: what, now?

Y/n: and what makes you
think i can tutor you?
i dropped out two years ago

Kaminari: i know, but i need
someone to just be there
and make sure im saying
or doing the right stuff, you know?

Y/n: can't someone else
do it? im sure i
wasn't your first choice

Kaminari: the others are mean, pleaseeee L/n? (╥﹏╥)

Y/n let out a sigh, knowing that this stubborn boy wouldn't back down. However, the curiousity as to why he was asking her rather than someone else to tutor him kept buzzing around the back of her head. She flopped face first back in to the pillow before peering to the side to her phone screen.

Y/n: sure

She proceeded to drop her phone back on her bedside table before mustering the strength to get up. Eventually she found the will to tear her body away from the warm sheets.

"Might as well take my time, I would have gotten up in 20 minutes anyway" she mumbled to herself, noticing the alarm clock preview on the screen of her phone. She left it there to buzz, notifications still coming in as she made her way to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.
After pulling on a pair of bottoms and the black café shirt which sported the logo on the back, Y/n quickly gave her look the finishing touches.
She made sure to grab her phone before going to have breakfast in her small kitchen.

Y/n opened up her conversation with Kaminari once again, as the notifications she had received were all from there.
She scrolled through the texts while quietly chewing on a piece of toast.


Kaminari: thank you, i owe
you L/n-san

Kaminari: i'll come by later
so we can decide when
to meet up ✌️

Kitten ➵ ℎ. 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑜Where stories live. Discover now