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i've been so inactive recently, i'm sorry about that, i've been crazy busy and kinda sick oop

Everytime the small bell over the door rang, Y/n's mind would instantly flood with flashbacks from her days back at Kitten Kafé. Good memories of the cosy place, the image of her friends or simple customers walking in always brightening up her day.

Her crouched position behind the counter made it impossible for her to see her next customer, but she didn't hesitate to call out to them.

"Welcome! I'll be there in a second, would you like a table?"

Y/n sorted out the last files and papers under the counter quickly. She had never expected that running her own cat café would have been so tiring, Kaori made it seem so easy, but she really enjoyed the time she spent working on it. Offering the best service she could to customers really payed back all the hard work she would put in to the place.

"Actually, I'm in a bit of a hurry, I'll have a coffee to go" the low voice replied. Y/n almost hit her head on the top of the counter as her body shot up, the growl in the voice as recognisable as ever.
Her black mask covered most of her face, but her wide eyes conveyed all of the surprise that she felt in that moment as they landed on none other than her blonde best friend.
Y/n smiled immediately at the familiar smirk on the boy- well, man's face as she regained her composure.

"Well, if it isn't the hero King Explosion Murder" she smiled, her feet rushing around the counter as if they moved on their own, her arms going around the blonde's neck as she pulled him in to a tight hug. Bakugo rolled his eyes at the stupid name, cursing himself for ever coming up with it. His scar scattered arms wrapped tightly around the girl, the need for physical contact after being on missions for so long was very high.

"Didn't expect you to miss me so much" he mocked, his hand gently stroking the back of her head.
Bakugo hadn't seen Y/n in quite a while, his career and the whole hero situation being very time consuming. Also, he'd been sent on quite a few consecutive jobs recently, since most of the heroes from the city had been sent all together on a major mission overseas.

"It's been lonely here, both you and Shinso have been gone for so long" Y/n sighed, finally pulling away from the man and looking up at his crimson eyes. Bakugo had surprisingly calmed down in the past few years, giving Y/n the possibility to make fun of him and his past uptight attitude. She suspected it was due to the sexual frustration, but every time she'd suggest it, Bakugo would reverse back to being feral.

"Have you been to see Kirishima yet? Oh, I'm sure he'll be so happy" Y/n beamed, going back round the counter and hooking up the coffee machine.

"Stayed with him last night, he wouldn't let me leave this morning" Bakugo groaned, remembering the way he had to physically detach the redhead from his body in the morning to go and see his best friend.
Y/n put on a fake pout as she looked up at the blonde through her eyelashes.

"You've been back since last night and you didn't even text me?" she asked, one of her eyebrows raising as she placed a takeaway cup under the machine's faucet.
Bakugo quickly stuck his hand in to his pocket and rummaged around briefly before pulling out what seemed to be the remains of a very smashed up phone.

"Villain managed to get to it" he sighed, making it disappear back in to his trousers.

"I wonder if that's what happened to Hitoshi's phone" Y/n muttered, her eyebrows now furrowing towards the centre of her forehead. Bakugo rested his arms on the counter as he looked over at his friend's concerned face.

"Haven't heard from him recently?" he asked.

"Recently? It's been months since he last replied to my texts or calls" Y/n confessed, her gaze meeting everything but Bakugo's eyes. At first she had thought he was too busy to answer, then that transformed in to her thinking he was ignoring her for whatever reason. However now, she was more worried about him actually missing... or worse.

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