𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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Shinso jumped at the sound of the loud horn outside, the bowl of cereal that he was about to place in the sink almost tipping out of his hands and landing on the floor.
He could hear faint shouting coming from outside, clearly coming from an excited group of hormonal teenagers.

"Is that them?" his mother asked, opening up the delicate white curtain covering the window and peering through it. Doing so she gave herself and Shinso a clear view of his frantic friends, Kirishima sounding the horn from his spot in the driver's seat while Kaminari and Midoriya both tried to make room for Shinso in the back by stacking the luggage better.

"Oh they seem like fun! Don't worry about the dishes baby, we wouldn't want your friends to wait" she smiled, motioning to his bags lying near the door with her head. Shinso eyed her quickly, uncertain about leaving the dishes there unwashed and just going. His mother chuckled quietly as she placed a hand on his shoulder, looking up at her son with a gentle gaze.

"You always think too much about things Hitoshi, go and let loose. You deserved it" she said, her words followed by a reassuring smile.
Shinso hesitantly nodded, moving past her and slinging both of his bags over his shoulders and turning to look at her once again.

"Thank you, I'll see you soon" he said, his voice a little quieter than he expected.
The older woman waved him out of the door, her lilac hair draping over her shoulders, the first strands of white poking in between the colourful locks.
She watched her son be greeted by his friends from the window, smiling at the excitement radiating from the other three. Hopefully some of it would rub off on her dear son, who always seemed too serious for his age.

She would always worry about him, all the mocking and nasty remarks making him grow up way too fast for his own good. His mother would be lying if she said she still didn't worry at times, but she also had to admit that UA had done wonders for her son's confidence and social life. She would have never expected him to get this far in just over two years.

Shinso sighed as Kirishima grabbed him in to a headlock by dropping the top half of his body out of the window to his left.
The redhead had a big grin on his face as he excitedly shook the seemingly less happy teenager around.

"It's beach time!" Kirishima grinned, letting go of Shinso so the violet-haired boy could climb in the back with Kaminari as Midoriya took his spot in the front again.

"Hey! How did your finals go?" Midoriya smiled, looking over at the Shinso through the centered mirror in the front. He could see the dark circles around his eyes were more prominent, a clear sign of the hard work he had put in to his studying. Midoriya had always admired Shinso and the way he never seemed to be caught lacking.
Shinso shrugged his shoulders, turning his face towards the glass window on his right.

"I passed" he said, not giving out any more information than that, even though he had passed the exams with full marks.

"No, we're officially on holiday so no more school talk" Kaminari whined, grabbing on to the back of Kirishima's chair and shaking it.

"Ok ok, I'm going" Kirishima said, his voice a little shaky due to the movement. He started the car, the engine making a rumbling sound as it started. Three of the four boys shouted excitedly, speeding off towards the main road, while Shinso placed his cheek in the palm of his hand, a small smile spreading across his face. He could finally relax.

"OI DUMBASS" the growling voice outside Y/n's door was loud and guttural, followed by a series of harsh knocks, the poor wooden door abused for no reason.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Y/n replied, rushing to grab her bags and double-checking all the windows to make sure they were locked.
Bakugo had been currently waiting for the past 10 minutes since Y/n had realised she hadn't grabbed any of her toiletries, so she had been hurriedly packing those.

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