𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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just a quick thank you for the 1.4k reads on this story! i appreciate you all so much <3

Y/n wiped her flour covered hands on the front of her apron, her raw cookies sitting on the tray in front of her. She wiped her forehead with a towel, the heat coming out of the pre-warmed up oven making the kitchen in the café rather hot.

"Are those cookies baking?" Kaori asked, popping her head through the door, her smile immediately brightening up the room.

"They're going in now" Y/n nodded, grabbing and sliding the tray in to the oven before dusting her hands off once again.

"Good, because you have a few customers waiting for them" Kaori pointed with her thumb back in to the main room.

"I'll be out when they're ready" Y/n smiled and Kaori quickly shut the door as she noticed one of the cats getting a little too curious about the kitchen.

Y/n grabbed three glass bells, washing them carefully under the flow of water coming from the tap. She hummed a song to herself quietly, remembering the mental picture she had taken of herself and Mina dancing to that same tune around the fire. Her thoughts then focused on Shinso's face, flushed because of the alcohol, his skin golden as it reflected the light coming from the fire pit.
Y/n didn't really have the chance to process everything that had happened until now, so many contrasting events coming up in the such a small span of time.
However she knew she hadn't felt this happy in a very long time. It felt like everything was going right, finally, after years of barely making it and just getting through the days.
She had her friends, her mother seemed to be doing good and Shinso had come in to her life.


That boy had become so important to her in just a few months that she could barely believe it.

Y/n closed the tap and grabbed a kitchen towel to dry the bells, neatly placing them on the counter, ready to store her cookies inside.
She kept herself busy until the oven let out a ding, signalling that the biscuits were ready.
It didn't take long for her to take them out, let them cool off a bit and place them neatly inside the glass bells.
She made her way outside, bringing two of them out with her and placing them near the register, on display.


Her name being called out caught her attention, her flour covered self turning towards the source of the voice.
A smile came on to her face as she saw Mitsuki, Bakugo and her own mother sitting at one of the booths, M/n's empty wheelchair neatly folded and resting on the side of the table.

"Mum? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" she asked, walking over and placing a kiss on her mother's temple.

"Took you long enough to come out of the kitchen, idiot" Bakugo grumbled, making Mitsuki hiss at him. Y/n smiled and draped her arms over his shoulders from behind, resting her chin over the top of his fluffy hair.

"Nurses said I could leave during the day, so I called Mitsuki. They're discharging me tomorrow Y/n" the grin her mother had on the past few days got even wider in the moment as she gave her daughter the news. Bakugo's thumbs gently rubbed circles on Y/n's arms resting over his chest, able to feel the relief himself as he heard that.

"Does that mean you can come home?"

"I can come home"

It had been so long since her mother had been home or since Y/n hadn't felt alone inside those four walls. All of this felt so surreal, the idea of waking up and see her own mother roaming around the house was something she had lost hope in. Y/n couldn't remember the last time her mother had come in to her room, violently pulling the drapes of the windows open to wake her up, her morning self deeply contrasting with her daughter's unwillingness to get up.
But now Y/n would give anything to have that, and she just might starting tomorrow.

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