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"Well, I think it was Brown." You accuse

"What?! But he reported it!" Blue stated

"It's a ... a self-report!" He went to electrical after the lights went out. After he left, the door do security was shut. So me and Purple couldn't follow him!" You explain

"That kinda makes sense" Orange agreed

"The doors in the cafeteria also closed" Red commented

"And in the upper engine too" Black added "But that doesn't mean it was necessarily Brown. We should skip until we have some solid evidence!"

"No. We need to vote. So Brown closed all the doors so nobody would see him. Nice move." Blue accused

"The doors to electrical were closed as well, so I couldn't see who was in there." Pink said. She looked around and saw eyes on her "I was going there to fix the lights!" She spurted out defensively.

"No, I swear it wasn't me. I would never kill anyone!" Brown sobbed, looking around at everyone.

People began voting.

Red voted for Brown
Orange voted for Brown
Yellow didn't vote (still unconscious)
Green voted for Pink
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for Brown
Cyan voted for Brown
Purple voted for Brown
Pink voted for Brown
Brown voted for White
Black voted for skip
White voted for Brown

Blue pulls off Brown's helmet. You can now see his face, eyes red and puffy from crying, tears streaming down his face and he was shaking uncontrollably. He drops his tablet to the floor.

"Please stop!" Black begged. "There's no way it was Brown, look at him, he's innocent!"

"He's probably just acting." Blue responded harshly.

Brown was ejected.

"NO!" Black cries

Blue picks up Brown's cracked tablet and looks at the vitals. Crewmates peer over Blue's shoulder. His heart rate skyrockets, then after a while slows down. It stops completely.

Brown was not the imposter

The alarm suddenly sounded again. Everyone turns to see Orange's fist slammed down on the emergency meeting button.

"What?" Blue questioned, sounding irritated.

"Well, if it wasn't Brown, then it must be White. Why else would White falsely accuse Brown?" Orange explains.

"But I was with White" Purple says.

"I sus Pink though, she was so close to electrical" Green accused.

"But surely Brown would have seen her leaving" Blue combatted.

"I'm sorry White, but I think Orange is right. I don't want to do this but it's not right that Brown had to suffer."

People voted.

Red voted for Pink
Orange voted for White
Yellow didn't vote (unconscious)
Green voted for Pink
-Lime is dead-
Blue voted for White
Cyan voted for White
Purple voted for Pink
Pink voted for White
-Brown is dead-
Black voted for White
White voted for Pink

Your helmet gets ripped off just like what everyone had witnessed happening to Brown. Blue holds you and Green looks towards you apologetically, reaching out for your tablet which you pass to him with tears forming in your eyes. Black refuses to watch as you get shoved out into deep space, painfully suffering, suffocating, desperately trying but failing to cling onto life.

- You are dead -

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now