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"I need electrical" you say.

Purple gulps, but nods and you both head towards the creepy room. You have three tasks here. Purple has one as well.

You begin tasking when the doors slide shut. "Damn it!!" Purple exclaims, and in shock, you mess up the last button when you're calibrating the distributor.

"Let's hurry up" you suggest, and you quickly finish all three tasks.

All of a sudden, a loud alarm comes blaring out from everywhere at once. O2 depleted in 30 seconds.

Before you can react, another alarm turns on. The doors open and your tablet says that you need to go to cafeteria immediately.

Dead body reported.

You rush to cafeteria with Purple.

"Who's dead?" You ask as you sit down.

"Green and Blue" Black shudders

"And?" You almost shout

"Yeah" Cyan says. "Me and Red found them."

Red nods in silent agreement.

"Well, was anyone acting suspiciously? Or- or near you when you found them?" Orange asks quickly.

Everyone shook their heads or looked at the floor, saying nothing. 
You sigh as you realise that no matter how much you hated Blue for taking control of everything, she did kinda keep the team together.

"Well I was with White, so that's a start" Purple contributes

"And the bodies were in O2" Red adds

"Me, Orange and Black were in admin fixing O2" Yellow declares

"And I was with Pink locked in the cafeteria" Brown states.

"So everyone has alibis..." you conclude

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Orange declares. "Someone obviously did it."

"Well... what if it's two people?" Brown suggests.

"That would make more sense" Orange sighs.

"Especially as two people are dead" Purple adds

Cyan catches on to the idea "it would have been hard for one person to do both"

"Wait. Purple said she was with White. She never said where though" Orange demands, "where were you?"

"Electrical!" You defend

"I saw them in comms though..." Pink says suspiciously

"We were moving around doing tasks!" Purple protests "and if you were in cafeteria, how did you see us in comms?"

"There was blood around the vent cover" Cyan shakes at even the thought of it.

"Great. Now they can get around quicker than us?" Brown huffs.

"But where do the vents lead?" Yellow pipes up.

Black shrugs.

"Wait!" You shout.

"I think I know!"


- Admin leads to O2 (Page 97)
- cafeteria leads to O2 (Page 98)

Can You Survive? | *in progress*Where stories live. Discover now