Leg day

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It was a decent start to the week, there was sunlight and warmth outside. Scarlet woke up in her bed next to her boyfriend like usual, she had taken another beating last night, only this time it was worse. She stopped her alarm clock and got up quietly to go to the bathroom, her boyfriend was blacked out from drinking so she didn't have to worry about him waking up. She looked at herself in the mirror, she was covered in bruises; her face, her arms, her legs, everywhere. She was used to the beatings by now but she still shuddered at seeing herself black and blue. She had an hour before work so she decided to try and cover up the bruises now, she grabbed her full coverage foundation and started to apply it all over her face. She flinched at every touch, when she managed to cover her face as much as she could she started on her arms. She started doing the bottoms of her arms and hands since that's what would mainly be on show but since the bruises were so bad they still showed through. She didn't bother to cover her legs in makeup since she would be wearing jeans, she came to the conclusion she would have to wear a long sleeved shirt today, it was hot outside but it was her only choice. She sighed and walked into her room to get changed. She picked out her outfit, something casual but covering.

          She wore some black doc Martin boots with it since that was what she always wore for work

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She wore some black doc Martin boots with it since that was what she always wore for work. By now she had 15 minutes left so she grabbed her jacket and her keys then left her apartment to drive to work.

She arrived at the district on time and walked into the reception area, "hey scarlet, are you not hot with that shirt on?" Trudy questioned her. "Nope, im always cold" she lied but laughed anyways, she was boiling. Trudy smiled at her, they joked around every morning. Scarlet buzzed herself into the bullpen but she was finding it difficult to get up the stairs, she couldn't let anyone know she was in pain so she just kept smiling. "Hey scarl" jay shouted from his desk. She waved to him and went straight to the locker room, as soon as she got there she crashed on to the bench and took a deep breath, she put everything into her locker then grabbed her badge and her gun before joining the team again. "Alright so we've got a drug cartel going on downtown. Jay, scarlet, you two go get a report from the witnesses. Adam, hailey, you two check surveillance footage. Somebody saw this deal go down!" Hank ordered at them.
Jay and scarlet grabbed their jackets and followed Hank's orders, they started to walk downstairs until jay turned to face her, "are you okay? You're moving at about 1mph..." he said while smiling. She grew tense with fear but smiled back, "yeah, it was leg day at the gym yesterday" she made up an excuse. "Ahh I see" jay said not really believing her. They drove to the cafe downtown to collect the witness statements, after they were done they scanned the area for evidence, victims, anything. They were making their way back to jays SUV when he spoke again, "why're you wearing a black long sleeved shirt, it's scorching out here?". She didn't know how to answer him since she had never had to use a shirt to cover up her bruises before, "uh, i just like the shirt. That's all" she said unconvincingly. Jay just shot her a tell me the truth look, "that's the only reason jay, I promise" she said while laughing at his concern. They made their way back to the district to explain what they found out, when everyone was caught up to speed, jay and scarlet sat down at their desks. Every now and then scarlet would re position herself in her chair which pretty much gave away her discomfort, "are you sure you're okay?" Jay said while staring at her in concern. "Yeah I'm fine, just stiff" she used the gym excuse again. Jay glared at hailey who had noticed the same thing he did, something was wrong.
Hank came out to tell everyone what their next move was which saved scarlet from jays questions. "We've got a deal going down at 6pm, jay and scarlet you're going undercover, hailey you'll be on sniper duty. The rest of you will be on look out." He summed up before going back to his office. They all nodded and got on with paper work, the day flew in but scarlet had noticed jay staring at her with a worried expression a few times. It was now around 5:30pm and the team were gearing up, jay and scarlet got ready to go undercover and the rest of the team got the guns ready. When they were all set they headed to the location they had been given, jay and scarlet got in place waiting for the dealers. When the drug dealers showed up, they played along until they got a glimpse of the drugs, that's when they made the bust.
The cars rolled in with their sirens and lights on, one of the men tried to run but scarlet tackled him to the floor which she immediately regretted, her whole body ached. Jay had already arrested the other man so he made his way over to help scarlet, "you got him?" He said, "yeah I got him" she replied. "Get up!" Scarlet shouted at the man before she passed him over to a patrol officer. Her shirt sleeve must've rolled up a bit because jay gently grabbed her arm and pointed to a big bruise, "what's this? How'd you get this?" He said more of a warning for her to tell the truth. She looked down and panicked, "I fell" she said taking her arm back and rolling down her sleeve, "scarlet..." jay said raising his eyebrow. "I fell" she said again trying to sound more sure of herself. Jay just furrowed his brows, she seemed off, like something was bothering her. He went to ask her again but Hank interrupted them, "we're done here, head back to the district then you're free to go" he said smiling at them both. Scarlet smiled and walked off before jay could speak again, both jay and scarlet rode back in adams car since they hadn't came in their own. Jay didn't want to confront scarlet in front of Adam so he let it go for now. When they arrived back at the district scarlet went straight to the locker room, it didn't take long for jay to follow her.
As soon as scarlet arrived into the locker room she immediately checked her side where she slammed down onto the ground when tackling the man, she couldn't tell which bruises were from the fall or which bruises were from the beatings so she shook her head and gave up with them. She was getting changed out of her undercover clothes, she kept her black shirt underneath so no one would see anymore bruises, when she finished up she head the door open. Jay walked over to her with his arms crossed, "what really happened scarlet?" Jay said seriously. She didn't look at him and she continued getting her bag out the locker, "I told you jay, I fell" she said again. Jay wasn't believing her one bit, "look if someone's doing this to you, I can help you..." he said eagerly. She smiled at him then slung her bag on to her shoulder, it hurt her but she masked the pain, she began walking out the door but stopped next to jay, "I fell jay, I promise. There's nothing to worry about" she said placing her hand on his shoulder, "see you tomorrow..." she said as she walked away. Jay knew she was lying so he let it go for tonight, but he wasn't going to give in.

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