Familiar voice

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*one year later*

It was one year today since Marcus was arrested and sentenced to time in prison. Since the incident a lot had happened, Adam got Kim pregnant but then she sadly lost the baby, rojas and Antonio left, and jay and scarlet were in this confusing relationship.  They didn't want to say they were dating, they were close and acted like it but they knew how strict Hank could be when it came to in house relationships, not to mention the fact that they slept together, like quite a few times.  They were just scared of ruining their friendship, their partnership.

                 Last night was one of those nights where scarlet spent the night at jays so they decided to stop at a small store on some corner before work to grab new coffee pods for the break room since the district coffee was putrid.  They walked into the shop side by side and they went their different ways since jay needed some other things for his apartment too.  Scarlet was in the candy aisle looking for some treats for the unit when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up like daggers.  "I told you I'd find you, baby girl" she froze at the familiar voice which rung through her body and dropped the bag of chocolates to the floor.  She was paralysed in fear so she couldn't even turn around to confirm that she heard Marcus whispering in her ear.

                Jay finished up buying his things and walked back down a few aisles to find scarlet, of course she was on the candy aisle, that was her favourite aisle in any store.  He went to speak but he saw the bag of chocolates on the floor and then he focused on scarlet who was stood shaking and breathing chaotically.  He grew concerned and slowly approached her, "scarl..." he said quietly and placed a gentle hand on her arm.  Scarlet flinched at his touch, something she hadn't done in a long time, "woah it's me, what's going on?" He noticed her terrified look.  Scarlet looked at jay with glassy eyes, "I heard him..." she briefly spat out all she could say.  Jay knew who she was talking about so he picked up the bag of chocolates and put them back on the shelf before wrapping a caring arm around her and guiding her out of the store.

                They both got back in jays car and he turned to look at an extremely scared scarlet, "I swear I'm not going crazy, I heard him. He said, 'I told you I'd find you, baby girl' i uh..." she began to panic again.  Jay grabbed her hand, "it's okay, I believe you. Let's get back to the district and see if he's been released or anything" he frowned.  It had been a long time since he had saw her in this state, he had helped her with her PTSD and her night terrors but she had been fine for a few months now.  Until this moment.

                The car journey was mainly silent, there was just the static hum of the engine and the low volume of the radio.  Scarlet bounced her leg up and down uncontrollably, jay frowned and put a gentle hand on her knee to calm her down, all while being careful not to startle her.  She didn't flinch this time but she looked at him with worry in her eyes, "oh uh, sorry" she noticed how distracting her leg was being.  Jay smiled sadly, "it's fine, I just don't want you to stress too much" he smiled widely.  Scarlet nodded and smiled slightly before trying to contain her anxiousness. The pair eventually arrived at work and they hopped out before jay rubbed her arm and followed her up the stairs into the bullpen.

The unit smiled at them but neither of the partners smiled back, in fact scarlet didn't even acknowledge anyone. The team all stood up in worry as jay and scarlet wandered into Hanks office. Hank looked up from his desk and saw scarlet sit down while picking at her lips nervously jay stood next to her and shot him a this isn't good look. Hank sat up straight, "everything okay?" He asked a stupid question. Scarlet paused before answering, "I heard his voice, he was there..." she shook her head. Hank looked at jay for a confirming nod as to whether she meant Marcus or not, jay nodded sadly and hank turned his attention back to scarlet. "I'll contact statesville, see if they've released him..." he frowned half angrily half sadly. The pair nodded then left his office to sit at their desks offering no explanation to the team because neither of them wanted to worry them if it was just a fake call.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed, hank surfaced from his office and stood in the doorway angrily. They all looked at him as the partners expected the worst, hank nodded sadly, "he was offered parole, he's out of prison" he sighed. Scarlet felt her stomach drop to the floor, jay looked at hank in worry and anger before looking at scarlet who was on the verge of tears. The rest of the unit were beyond confused to hank cleared up the situation, "Marcus is a free man, why they let him go I have no clue. He just better hope I don't see him anytime soon" he scoffed. Scarlet didn't know what to think, he was out in the city somewhere laughing. He could easily find her at any moment and she could bet money he would be pissed. Jay noticed her fear and took her into the locker room.

She sat down on the bench and buried her head into her hands, "I knew this day would come" she shook her head. Jay pulled her into a hug, "he's not gonna touch you, you're surrounded by a family of cops. We're gonna do our best to get him locked up again okay?" He said while rubbing a finger against her cheek. She held back her tears and nodded. She got up and left jay to sit on the bench with his legs either side of it. She leant over the sink and splashed her face with cold water, she didn't need to wear makeup anymore since she had no bruises and she didn't need it since her natural beauty was enough. All of her bruises from last year were gone but she still had some pains in her legs and abdomen from how many times she took beatings there. She turned back around and jay smiled sadly at her, "let's get to work" he nodded and they left the locker room to battle the days case.

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