Watch out

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When scarlet got back to her apartment she dreaded to think what she would have to put up with tonight, she walked through the door and there he was drinking already. "Hey babe, have you ate yet?" She said nervously. "No, no I haven't. I've been waiting for you to hurry up home and make me something" he snapped back at her. She looked down realising this wasn't going to be easy, she made him some pizza and gave him it as soon as it was done, he was drunk so he didn't think to let the pizza cool down before taking a bite. He snatched a slice off the plate and bit into it, "OW! You little slut. You've just burned my mouth, watch out." He said while getting up and lunging at her, he missed since she dodged his punch but that made him angrier, he grabbed her wrists as tightly as he could which made her whimper. The pair were soon broken up by her laptop ringing, it was a Skype call. He let go off her and let her answer the call, he walked backwards and went towards the bedroom.
She walked over to her laptop and saw the Skype call from jay still ringing. With slight hesitation she answered,
Scarlet: "jay? Are you okay?"
Jay: "yeah I'm okay, the question is are you okay?"
She paused for a second before answering.
Scarlet: "yeah why wouldn't I be be?"
Jay: "you're not acting like yourself. Is something going on that I need to know about?"
Scarlet paused again before answering, her boyfriend had re-appeared at the end of the hallway, he was stood watching the two talk via Skype.
Scarlet: "no I'm all good, everything's fine"
Jay: "you sure?"
Scarlet: "yeah jay, I'm positive"
Her boyfriend interrupted the two, he was in the view of the camera so jay could see him, "come on scarlet" her said more like a warning.
Scarlet: "I gotta go jay, I'll see you tomorrow"
Jay: "yeah, see you tomorrow..."
Jay waited for scarlet to hang up the call since he suspected something was wrong, when she did he had a gut wrenching feeling everything was far from fine.
Scarlet got up to followed her boyfriend, he turned around before they could get to their room, "he your little boy toy?" He said filling with rage, "what? No...he's my work partner" she said getting scared. "You were gonna tell him weren't you?" He said grabbing her arm, "no, no I wasn't I swear" she said shaking her head vigorously. "Good, no one would believe you anyways" he said which made her feel worthless. They both headed to bed and she put up with the usual, tonight she kind of got off lightly since he crashed into the pillow earlier.
When the morning swung around she got up and followed her set routine, she went to the bath room, covered up what she could, but as she finished on her face and went to start on the fresh bruises on her arms, her foundation ran out. She felt annoyed that she didn't check how much was left, she had no other option but to wear another long sleeved shirt again. Today was even hotter than yesterday so she was nervous, she walked back into her room and picked out an outfit, a casual but covering one.

            She put on her black doc Martin boots like every other day, she noticed her boyfriend start to toss and turn so she knew he was waking up

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She put on her black doc Martin boots like every other day, she noticed her boyfriend start to toss and turn so she knew he was waking up. She ran out of the room and grabbed her jacket and keys before leaving for work. When she arrived at the district jay was there waiting for her, she smiled at him and joined him as they walked into the reception. "You like that shirt too?" He said suspiciously wondering why she was wearing another long sleeved shirt in this heat. "Uh yeah..." she replied. Trudy waved them off but she was busy so she didn't speak, scarlet was sore still and it hurt with every step she took but she knew she couldn't let jay suspect anymore. She grit her teeth and continued walking at jays pace, when they got into the bullpen they went straight to their desks and sat down, everyone else was sat with a fan trying to cool themselves down but ivy was suffering in the heat.
"How are you not dying with that shirt on?!" Kim said while looking at scarlet in shock, "I'm a cold gal..." she smiled back trying to hide her discomfort. Jay wasn't convinced at all, he could see her cheeks getting rosy. He knew he couldn't push her for the truth in the bullpen so he just handed her a mini fan instead, "thanks" she said with a sigh of relief. She realised how desperate she sounded and chilled herself out, jay was staring at her with worry the whole morning but she ignored it and got on with the case.
"We gotta bust this deal now, everyone suit up" hank said while shooing them down to get their vests on. They all helped each other out and got into their cars to drive to the warehouse, "hailey adam you take the south side" the partners nodded and left. "Scarlet and jay you take the west side" they nodded and left, scarlet was attempting to run with jay but she was in pain and it showed. "Everyone wait for my order" hank said into his phone and they all sat tight. When hank gave them the order to move in they all fled into the building from their points, antonio and Kim arrested they guys while Kevin and Vanessa packed up the drugs. They made their way outside to clear the scene and left to go back to the district.
As they got back into the bull pen they were all sweating, even scarlet let her hotness show. She made her way over to the locker room and sat down on the bench, she was ready to collapse since she was so overheated. Hailey walked into the locker room with her and she got a fresh shirt from her locker, "you needing a spare shirt? You must be boiling" she said while holding out a short sleeved shirt. Scarlet shook her head and got a drink out of her own locker, "I'm good, thanks" she said before leaving hailey to change.
Scarlet started walking back to her desk when she got a bit light headed, she bumped into her desk and it knocked jays desk a bit wonky. He looked up to scarlet who looked pale, "hey, you good?" He said while standing up. "Yeah, uh I'm fine" she said rejecting his help and sitting down in her chair. Jay was really worried about scarlet since there was clearly something happening to her. It was silent in the bullpen as they were all getting on with paperwork until Trudy walked in, "scarlet there's someone downstairs for you" she immediately knew who it was so she quickly got up and left. The unit watched her leave and they were all curious, once she made it downstairs she saw her boyfriend waiting for her. She sighed and walked over to him, "thanks Trudy" she said as Trudy walked back to the desk.
"What're you doing here?" Scarlet said pulling him into an office. "You left, didn't even make me breakfast. You better start doing more around the house or you won't make it till next week" he growled at her. They had gained the officers attentions who were standing outside of the office, scarlet closed the door so they had some privacy, "I'm sorry, I am. I just had to get to work early today." She made up an excuse. "Yeah right, remember, if you tell anyone, you die" he said while grabbing her wrist before he opened the office door and left the station. Scarlet grabbed her wrist discreetly and rubbed it before leaving the office herself, she smiled at Trudy who was staring at her and left to go back upstairs.

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