♠️ Chapter Two: Old and New Friends ♠️

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A/N Delilah is wearing the same outfit as the previous chapter.

With confusion written on Delilah's face she allowed Amy to drag her upstairs so quickly that she stumbled on a few steps.

"Lia! Are you alright? What's happening?" She questioned Amy, but she was getting a little distracted with her inner left wrist irritating her. It seemed further up the stairs she went, the more her wrist turned from irritation to pain.

"It's better to show you Lilah," Amy answered, running faster up the stairs.

Both girls reached the top of the stairs. Amy let go of Delilah's hand and continued forward while the latter remained at the hallway's entrance.

"This is the problem," Amy stated. She moved towards the side of the hallway allowing Delilah to see what she was talking about. Delilah's eyes widened at the sight; a man was handcuffed to the heater at the end of the hallway. His head hung limp on his chest indicating his unconsciousness, his clothes were torn and covered in filth as though he had just returned from a war. He seemed to be carelessly sat with his limbs laying in different and uncomfortable directions. The sun shining through the window above shone on his brown hair making it look like a golden swirl. For some reason the minute Delilah saw him she felt safe, protected.

Delilah's observations were interrupted by the pain on her wrist intensifying. Holding her left wrist tightly Delilah whimpered slightly, not wanting to alarm Amy of any pain she was experiencing, "Is that the-" Amy cut Delilah off, "Yes...it's the Doctor".

Delilah knew how much the Doctor meant to her and how much she was hurt by him and the towns actions towards her. When Amy revealed her story about the Doctor Delilah immediately believed her for several reasons; (1) it was her best friend, she wouldn't lie to her, (2) it was too bizarre and amazing to think it wasn't true and (3) anything is possible.

Amy was staring at the Doctor confused and hurt as to why he had suddenly shown up after 12 years, it seemed illogical. He promised her five minutes. Did he forget? Did he never intend on coming back? If so why was he here now? Amy's storm of thoughts were interrupted by a gentle voice, "Are you alright Ames? With him being here? Well actually what happened... ?"

Amy sighed; she knew Delilah wouldn't like that she hit him over the head with a cricket bat. Delilah was always one for peace not war, she hated violence, Amy was certain there wasn't a bad bone or thought swimming in that girl.

"I'm alright Lilah," Amy sighed, "I was in my bedroom when he barged into the house... to which I may have hit him over the head with a cricket bat and.... then cuffed him to the heater."

Delilah looked back and forth between Amy and the Doctor still a little confused as to why she was in her police outfit. However, she knew it wasn't the nicest thing what Amy had done to the Doctor, but he did break and enter, and give Amy a fright so she let it slide.

"Oh, ah okay" Delilah said, still trying the ignore the pain in her wrist. Gripping tightly to try to ease the pain on her wrist, she asked "but what's with the outfit Lia?"

Amelia shifted her head, glancing sideways at Delilah and smirked, "Just a little fun. Want to join?" Amy saw Delilah hesitate she knew how hard it was for her to reach out to people and reach out of herself, so she would understand if she wouldn't want to. Her fear of losing more people she loved controlled her life. After all, Amy was the daredevil, the one that made Delilah live a little and try new things, while Delilah was the sweetheart, the one that made Amy peaceful and understanding.

Before Delilah could answer, the Doctor started shifting and groaning - he was beginning to wake up. On instinct Delilah took a step back. She, despite having a gentle and welcoming demeanour was frighted of new social interactions, she always stuck by Amy and Rory - her safety blankets. She knew how much this man meant to Amy, she was struggling internally fighting a battle in her head on whether she should stay or not. Delilah hesitated and whispered, "I...I..I'm not sure if I can. I'm sorry Lia."

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