heart break.

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please don't hate me too much on this chapter :)

it was a few weeks later and they are back at work and they decided to sleep in their trailer

Ellen's pov:

as i was laying on his chest i could feel his heartbeat, which is one of the most calming things in the entire world. i was laying still so i wouldn't wake him and listening to his little snores. everything just felt perfect. a few minutes later i got up off of him and he woke up "good morning beautiful" he said as wrapped his arms around me and looked into my eyes smiling. "good morning handsome" i said smiling and i kissed him softly on his cheek. "want some breakfast?" "yeah" i said smiling at him

Patrick's pov:

after breakfast we were just chilling out both of us on our phones sitting beside each other and cuddling. my phone bings and it was a message from shonda which is weird because it's rare when i ever get a text from her

s: come to my office. we should talk.

p: be there in a few.

i'm not gonna like i was really scared. not that shonda is scary but she's my boss so who knows what could happen. "shonda wants me to go meet her in her office but i'll be back later hopefully okay" "okay well have fun i'm gonna go to hair and makeup" "you don't need it" i say smiling at her and moving a piece of her hair behind her ear. "i know but i have to look presentable for camera" she says laughing.

i leave the trailer and head to shonda's office. i knock on her door "come in she says" i walk in and sit in front of her desk. the meeting between us lasted for three hours. it was filled with a ton of tears. i walk out of her office, my face red and puffy and i head back to the trailer and i walk in to see ellen watching tv on the couch. "hey what took you so long" she looks at him "oh my gosh what the hell happened" she says getting up and going over to him

"they're firing me."

Ellen's pov:

"they're firing you? what why- wait what" i am so confused

"yeah she's firing me and we are filming our last episode together this week so they wanted to tell me before we got the script" he says with a ton of sadness in his eyes. he explained to me why they were firing him and i was crying too. "what are we gonna do? what about us" i say looking at him in his eyes "i- i dont know" he says as more tears come down his face

does he not want to be with me? is he leaving me too? i didn't know what was going to happen but i was mad and sad all in one. "crap i messed my makeup up" i say going to look in the mirror trying to fix it up a little bit

a few days later we are filming our last episode together and trying our best to hold back our feelings and tears but it's getting really hard at this point. i know i can go on with out him but i just don't want to. i probably won't even be able to see him every day or hear his voice or smell his amazing scent. an nobody knows i feel this way but i just have to hold everything back. every feeling, every emotion, everything. it felt like my heart was breaking but i have to shove it in. i was in the trailer bathroom as he was packing up some of his stuff because if i am around to long, it won't be good. a few minutes later i walk out of the bathroom and he's taking some of his stuff out to his car and he's walking back in

"hey do you need me to grab something? i can help if you want" i say trying to talk to him because it's been uncomfortable silence the whole day

"yeah sure, could you grab that box and just put it in the trunk" he says pointing to a box

"yeah sure" i grab the box and head out to put it in the back of his car. i walk back in the trailer and look at the time "we have to go to set" i say holding my hand out for him "our last scene together" he says grabbing my hand and standing up "yep" i start getting tears in my eyes "okay i can't do this right now patty, we have to film" i say looking at the ceiling and fanning my eyes so the tears will go away "elle" he says looking at me with his ever so dreamy eyes and i just fall harder "patrick cone on do you really want me to cry right now" "okay, it'll be okay let's just go film this real quick" he says holding my hand and we go to set

"and action!" the director said

"i just wish, i don't know you could stay or i could come with you or something"

"i'll be back soon you know that" he says walking to the door

"no i know, i just feel like i just got you back and now your going again, and i just have to stay here" i say walking behind him and he opens the door and turns around and looks at me

"you're right you do you have to.. stay here"

we look at each other smiling for a minute but in reality there are tears in our eyes and it is really painful to film this

"don't move, wait for me" he says before he gets closer to me and comes in for a kiss and we kiss and i wrap my arms around him tightly knowing that this is our last kiss, he kisses me a few times and then pulls away "i'll be back before you know it" " okay" i say and he walks away and i shut the door

"and scene!" the director yells

we get off the set and walk out of the room and start running back to the trailer, not knowing that patrick is running behind me. i get into the trailer and i'm on the bed crying and he gets in there and looks at me

"oh elle" he says as he sits beside me hugging me

"i don't wanna come to work without you, i don't want you to leave, i love working with you, i hate thinking that that was my last scene with you, you're my favorite person to work with, it's not gonna be the same with out you, and i won't even be able to see you because we are both married and it's complicated, but patty, i love you, a lot and even though we won't talk every day i just want you to know that i love you" i say crying on his shoulder and i look up at him. i haven't said i love you to him yet because we didn't want to get too attached but we knew we were but we haven't said it to each other

"i love you more than you'll ever know, i know not working together will be hard and we will talk to each other everyday okay, we will make this work, people make this work." he says trying to comfort me

as the night ends they just had a going away party for him and now him and ellen are back in the trailer

"i hate to tell you this but i've gotta get going" he says as we are kissing each other

"i know you do, i do too" i say not wanting to let go of him

we give each other one last kiss and then off he goes, into his car and away, i sit on the couch and cry for a while then i eventually find the energy to get up and go home and sleep in my bed even though my husband is in there.

please don't hate me!!  it will get better!! it's not over yet i promise!!

i will be updating either today or tomorrow so just stay ready for a new chapter

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