baby love

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Ellen's pov:

6 months later

today i am 9 months pregnant, this baby is ready to come out any day. we don't know the gender because we wanted to be surprised but everything we have for the baby is neutral colors so i think it'll work out great. patrick has been so supportive throughout this whole thing and he talks to the baby every day so it will know him and love him too.

i roll over to patrick who is on his phone and say "good morning" and i smile at him

"good morning beautiful" he says pulling me in for a kiss. "how'd you sleep?" he puts a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"i slept like a baby, not our baby though because it's been kicking me all night" i say laughing

"oh no, that means it's gonna be keeping us up all night" patrick says laughing and rubbing my belly

"ahh" i wince in pain like i've been doing all night

"w-what what is it" he says moving his hand away

"it's just cramps they've been happening all night long" i say breathing heavy

"maybe we should go to the hospital that didn't sound like a cramp" he says sitting up

"okay we can go" i sit up with his help and go put a dress on because they are the only things that fit me now. "babe, can you grab the hospital bags?" i ask him

"yeah no problem" he says grabbing the bags and putting them in the back of the car then coming in to get me but i'm sitting at the end of the bed with tears going down my face

"el what's wrong?" he says worried and comes up to me and wipes my tears away

"i haven't shaved in so long, i can't even see down there to shave. my doctor is gonna think i'm disgusting" i say with more tears coming down my face

"you are perfect, body hair is natural and it's okay to have it. and besides it doesn't matter what she thinks you grew a whole baby in you, you're a freakin rockstar. and if you want me to i can shave you for you because after the baby i don't think you'll be doing anything down there for a while" he says smiling and kissing my cheek

"no i don't need you seeing it either, i don't need any more people seeing it than there needs to be. but thanks for offering" i say getting up and we go downstairs and get in the car and head to the hospital and the OB comes in and checks me

"okay miss pompeo it looks like you are about 6 centimeters dilated and that's great because you only need 4 more to start pushing and so if you want an epidural then i would suggest getting it now before it's too late" the OB says

"okay yeah i'll get an epidural" i say breathing heavy because of the contractions

"okay i'll be right back and we can get that done for you" she says smiling and leaving the room

after she gives me my epidural i feel very relaxed so me and patrick decided to take a short nap because we were tired and needed sleep before we weren't going to get any for a while. i sleep for about an hour before i wake up because the OB comes in and checks me again

"okay miss pompeo i have to check you again to see when you can start pushing" she says

"please call me ellen, you've seen just about every part of my body you get a pass" i say laughing a bit while she spreads my legs and sticks her fingers up me to feel my cervix

"okay ellen, it looks like you can start pushing you are at 10 centimeters now, should i wake up the dad?" she asks looking over at patrick

"yes please" i say looking over at him

he wakes up and comes over to me and helps me push then after 10 pushes the baby comes out

"you have a beautiful baby boy!" the ob says holding him up for us to see before she puts him on my chest

"he takes after me" patrick says smiling and looking at our crying baby

"patty now is not the time" i laugh at him and look over at our baby and he looks up at me and stops crying "hi my beautiful boy" i say gently rubbing my thumb over his cheek. "i've waited so long for you" i say smiling at him.

after holding him for a while i hand him to patrick so they can do skin to skin also.

"i think i have an idea of what his name should be" i say looking at him

"what would that be?" patrick says smiling and looking at our new bundle of joy

"lucas?" i say

"it's perfect" patrick replies

yayyy baby boy lucas is here!! 💗

only one more chapter left!! what will happen?

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