Chapter 1

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Billie POV:
Lately I have been thinking about adopting a little girl. But, I dont know how my parent's would react if I adopted a kid. Mean I am 19 and I have lots of money. I should talk to my brother about this.

I yell down to my brother. "Finneas come here please!" I yell.
"I am coming!" Finneas yells.

Finneas opens the door and walks to the bed and sits down next to Billie.

"Um, uh can we talk about something." I say nervously.
"Yea, you can talk to me about anything you know that. Whats up?" Finneas says.
"So um I have been thinking..... I have been wanting to adopt a little girl, but- but I don't know how mom and dad would react." I say.
"I think you should talk to them about it, and see what they think. I think its a good idea! I would be able to be a uncle!" Finneas says in enjoyment.
"Ok, I will take to mom and dad about it but will you come with me?" I say.
"Of course I will! I will be right by your side the whole time." Finneas says.
"Ok..." I say
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go talk to them!" Finneas says.

I look up at Finneas and smile😁. I grab his wrist and run down stairs. I pull him to the kitchen table were mom and dad were sitting talking. Me and Finneas sit across from our parent's.

"Hey kiddos whats up!" Maggie says.
"Um I kinda want to talk to you guys about something? Can we talk?" I say nervously.
"Of course what is up?" Maggie and Patrick both say.
"Well... I have been having something on my mind lately. Um uh I have been wanting to adopt a kid" I say.

I look up at my mom and dad to see them with a surprised look.

"Um if you think I shouldn't I won't but I really wanna adopt a kid. I am 19 and I have enough money to take care of a kid.... So would you guys let me adopt a kid?" I say.
"OMG that sounds like a awesome idea!" Maggie says with a big smile on her face.
"Dad... what do you think" I say.
"Well I think if you think your ready to take care of a kid, then I am all for it! I would be able to be a grandpa!" Patrick says.
"Omg yes! I thought you guys would say no!" I say.

I get up and hug everyone, and everyone seems happy! I am so happy they are letting me adopt a kid. I am so excited!

"So Billie do you want to go to the adoption center tomorrow?" Maggie says.
"YES! I would love to!". I say.
"Ok I will bring you in the morning, so go get some sleep." Maggie says.
"Ok, goodnight guys love you!" I say.

I run upstairs and flop on my bed. I am so nervous but so excited at the same time! I close my eyes and slowly fall alseep.

Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now