Chapter 4

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"Come here y/n, follow me so we can go pack your stuff" Amy says.
"I will be right back, ok stay here." Amy says to billie.

We walk to my room and Amy packs up all my stuff. Amy was always mean to me and I don't know why?

I walk over to her and I try to help her pack but she yells at me.

"Y/N what are you doing stop!" Amy says.

I start to cry because she yelled at me. She grabs me bag and yanks me up. She hold me over her shoulder. Her shoulder is going right into my stomach and it hurts.

I continue to cry, "ow, ow" I say well crying.
"Stop crying right now!" She yells.

She brings me back into the room and sets me down next to billie. I sit down and put my face in my hands and continue to cry.

Billie POV:
Amy walks up to me with a crying Y/N. She sets her down next to me and she puts her face into her hands and continues to cry.

"Hey y/n come here whats wrong?" I say.
She walks over to me, and I put my hands out and I pick her up. She puts her head on my chest and she is still crying.

"I want my binky" Y/n says.
"Do you have her binky? I ask Amy.
Amy rolls her eyes at y/n and hands her her binky.

"Hey hey its ok calm down" I say.

She starts to calm down but she still has a few tears running down her cheeks.

"Ok so I am gunna have you fill out this paper work and you will be all set to leave with y/n." Amy says.

I take the paper work from her and fill it out with y/n still in my arms. I finish doing the paperwork and I am just getting ready to leave.

"Do you wanna come home with me?Do you want me to be your new mommy?"I say to Y/n
She looks up at me and smiles and says "Mommy" with a big smile on her face.

I get up and leave and I go to my car and sit in the back with y/n on my lap, well my mom drives.

"Hey mom should I tell my fans about her?" I say
"That sounds like a good idea!" Maggie says.
"Ok I am gunna post a pic of her on insta." I say

Hey guys! I have awesome news! The little girl in the picture is my daughter I adopted her today

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Hey guys! I have awesome news! The little girl in the picture is my daughter I adopted her today. Her name is Y/N.
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Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now