Chapter 2

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Billie POV:
I wake up to my mom shaking me. I turn over and see that it is 9am.

"Time to wakeup kiddo, we are going to the adoption center in 1 hour so get ready." Maggie says.

I get up and get ready, and go eat some fruit for breakfast.

"Hey mom do you think when I adopt a kid today I should have them be vegan?" I say
"I think thats a great idea! I mean we are all vegan anyways! Also are you adopting a girl or boy?" Maggie says.
"I wanna adopt a little girl that is 1!" I say.
"Ok well good! We are gunna go to the all girls adoption center in 10mins so go get your shoes on." Maggie says.

Time speed to when you get there.

Me and my mom pull up to the place and get ready to walk in. I am so excited, but so nervous at the same time!

We walk in and a lady comes up to me.

"Hello, are you here to adopt today?" The lady says.
"Yes I am!" I say.
"Ok well my name is Amy and I will be helping you adopt a kiddo today! Follow me right this way." Amy says.

We follow the lady into a big room with toys and alot of stuff there. We walk over to the desk in the corner and we sit down across from the lady.

"Ok so what age would you like to adopt today?" Amy says.
"I would like to adopt a little girl between the age 1 and 3!" I say.
"Ok the girls will be down here in just a moment" Amy says.

"Bring the little girls, that are ages 1 to 3, to room 1d please" Amy says into a speaker.

I was taking a nap and one of the mean lady's decided to wake me up! I just wanted to sleep. She picks me up and brings me to a room with a whole bunch of other girls. I don't know why she brought me here though? She sets me down and I look over and I see to girls. One of the girls had black hair and green roots that looked so cool!

Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now