Chapter 8

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I wake up before mommy so I just sit there. I look for her phone but I cant find.

"Mama wake up i hungry" I whine

She doesn't get up so I look to see if she has any food. I look on the stand next to the bed and see a purple bag of chips. I run over to them and then take one out. It is really red I think to myself. I put it in my mouth and eat it, but after I ate one chip, my mouth starts to burn! Then it getting really spicy. I look for a drink and can't find one. My mouth starts to burn more even my throat.

I slowly begain to cry with the chips still in my hand.

"Mama spicy, MAMA. *cries* MMMMAAAAAMMMMAAAA.
"What what am up!" Billie says.

Billie POV:

I woke up to hear I think someone calling me but I don't know so I just wake up and say "what what am up". I rub my eyes and then realizing that she is crying. Wait were is she! I look over on the side of the bed and see y/n crying. And then..... I see her with takis in hand🤦‍♀️.

"Whats wrong ba-... Y/N! why would you eat them chips. I told you they are not for you, you can't eat them." I say yelling

"Spic..y.. mama...." Y/n says well crying.

After Billie yelled at y/n she begins to cry more. Billie realized she made her more upset and says sorry and hugs y/n.

"Let's go get you some water." I say calmly. I pick her up and give her water and then go get her dressed.

"Can we go to the dog park and take our dogs.. please mama" y/n says to me.
"Sure let's go" I say

We get to the dog park and there is teenage boys there with there dogs.

"Go play with the dogs bub be carefully though plz" I say.
I get on my phone and then scroll thru insta.

I was playing with the dogs and I say other people there to. I see them walking to me but I just continue playing with the dogs having fun.

"Hey little kid weres your mom." A boy says.

Billie POV
I see a teenage boy talking to my daughter so I stand up to see if I can hear him.

Next thing you no y/ns running over to me. She hides behind my leg.

Then the boy walks over here. "Um hey sorry if I scared your sister, I thought she was alone so I asked her were her parents are." The boy says.

"I am her mom!" I say kinda of annoyed.
"Oh well my bad" the boy says and runs off.

"Your ok bub, here let's go home."I say calmly. We get home and fin and Claudia are here. So I wake y/n up and she looks around confused. She then sees Uncle Fin and Aunt Claudia so she gets down and runs to them.

I get woken up so I looked around confused cause I fell asleep in the car. I then see Aunt Claudia and Uncle Fin and I run to them so happy to see them. I then grab there hands and tell them to play with me.

"We gotta eat first love." Claudia says.
"I get upset and cry and then mama picks me up and puts me in the corner. She a meanie.

"Listen you don't cry because you can't play, ok. You are gunna stand in the corner cause you shouldn't act like that." Mama says.
"NO NO. *I try to get out of her arms but I cant* NOOOO". I say well crying.

Billie sets her in the corner for 1 min.

"All right you can get out the corner now. Let's go eat." Billie says.

Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now