Chapter 5

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We are finally here! I look out the building and I see a whole bunch of houses. Mommy take me out the car and sets me down and holds my hand.

I see a old man and a young man walking up to me. I get shy and I let go of mommy's hand and hide behind her leg.

"Aw, are you shy bub? Its ok" Billie says.

She picks me up and starts walking tords the 2 men. I dig my head into her chest so no one can see my face.

"Hey, stop hiding your face look at them. This is your Grandpa and Uncle Finneas. You have a Aunt but she is not here rn" Billie says calmly.

I look up at them and they seem nice. They are smiling and waving at me.

"Hey cutie" Uncle Finneas says.
I take my binky out of my mouth and say "hi".
"Hey kiddo I am your grandpa" Patrick says.
I wave at him and say "hi."

I put my binky back in my mouth and put my head on mommy's chest. We walk in and she brings me up stairs into her room. Her room is very cool.

"Wow" I say.
"You like my room" Billie says and laughs.
I *yawn* and put my binky in my mouth.
"Are you tried bub?" Billie says.
I take my binky out and say "No" and then *yawn* again.
Billie laughs and says "Let's lay down and take a nap ok? But first I am gunna change you in to pj's ok."

Billie sets me down and I just stand there. She opens my bag and pulls out some pj's and puts me in them. 

She gets on her bed and says "come here bub" Billie says.

I walk over to her and try and climb on the bed but I am to short.
Billie *laughs* at me trying to get on the bed.

"Help" I say.
"Can u say help please?" Billie says.
"Help, pleeasee" I say.
"Your so cute." Billie says

She picks me up and put me on her chest. She then sings me to sleep.

Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now