Chapter 6

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Billie POV:
I set y/n on my chest and sing her to sleep. I then slowly fall asleep.

I wake up to here crys. Y/N is still on my chest, I look at her and see that she is crying but her eyes are closed. I try and wake her up and she wakes up crying. I give her a hug and she puts her head on my shoulder with her face into my neck. She slowly class down.

Once I see that she has calmed down, I ask her "what happend bub, why were you crying? Did you have a nightmare?"
"I had a nightmare that Amy yelled at me again." Y/n says.
"Oh, why would she yell at you, and you don't have to worry about seeing her again you aren't going back to that place" I say in a calming voice.
"She she would aways yell at me but not the other kids, she was aways mean to me." Y/n says.
"Aw am sorry baby well you don't have to worry about her no more ok?" I say.
"Are you hungry?" I ask y/n.
Y/n shakes her head yes.

I pick y/n up and bring her down stairs. I see Finneas sitting on the ground near the coach.

"Hey finneas!" I say
"Whats up billie and hi y/n" Finneas says.
"Can u watch y/n for a little so I can make her food please." I say.
"Of course I will!" Finneas says.

I set y/n down next to Finneas and I give her my phone to watch yt on. When I left the room I heard little foot steps coming and I look to see y/n following me.

"What are you doing baby? You gotta stay out there well I make you food, ok." I say to y/n.

I bring her back out and set her on Finneas lap and tell him, "Don't let her in the kitchen" I say.
"And y/n stay out here with Uncle Finneas and watch YT on my phone." I say to y/n.

I walk into the kitchen and 1 min later I hear crying. I listen closely to see who is crying.

"I wont mommy!*Crys*Mommy!" I hear Y/n say. I then walk out the the living room and I see a crying y/n, trying to get out of Finneas arms. I walk over to her and grab her and bring her out into the kitchen with me and set her down in the high chair that my mom got for y/n. Well me and her were sleeping."

Adopted By Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now