Chapter 30

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Michelle POV
      I know Brice didn't just say I was having a girl. Brice how you know it's a girl? He responds, " I can't tell you all that just know I know it's a girl." Ok I'm going to let you get some sleep. I'm just happy you still here baby. Let's take a nap. Today was the most chaotic day ever. Never in a million years I'll think me and Brice getting shot up in public. I know someone had to see something. Why would someone want to risk it all and shoot us in broad daylight and almost close range ?
Jacolby is in jail, so how can he send a hit from the jail phone. I know Jacolby has insiders in the jail. I hope they didn't help Jacolby. He just need to face the facts that I don't want him and I've moved on. How hard can it be to let me go. He didn't care 6 months ago, because he would've found me. He wouldn't have stop looking for me. Every search and lead counted and he didn't get the big picture. In his mind he knew he just didn't choose to execute the plan.
    Which tells me he was over it and me. He's only hurt, because I'm pregnant. He wanted to be my first at everything, but this time Brice beat him to the punch. I've been through hurt, pain and betrayal, so I know how Jacolby is feeling. I have to put my feelings for him in the trash and not look back. I still feel kind of bad for telling that story and painting Jacolby to be a bad person, but I have to protect me and Brice at all means necessary. Sometimes I think back on how I can be with Brice.
Brice is my attacker, but he made me feel safe and he showed me he care. After those boys were gone Brice was a completely different person. He got to know me. He didn't pressure me into sex. He respected me and my body. Some days he reminded me of Jacolby and I fell even harder in love with him. Maybe I do wish he was Jacolby. I'm so confused right now. I thought I lost Brice just a minute ago and now all I can do is think about Jacolby and how I lied on him,
I feel so stupid right now. My heart loves Jacolby but it's in love with Brice and I can't stop it. One half of me wants to be honest and take Jacolby back and the other part of me wants to start a family with Brice since he's the father of the child. I wish it could've been Jacolby baby, so I wouldn't have to keep going back and forward with myself. This is putting so much on my baby and my body. I just want to sleep good and not be guilty.
Jacolby POV
Michelle thinks it over, but it's not over until she mines again. I can't lose her to a chump like Brice. He kidnapped her and brainwashed her, but sooner or later she going to break out of it. I had to send Dez out on the lick, but I told him not to hurt Michelle and the baby. I'm going to be that baby step father one day and I'm going to make sure he or she is ok. I love Michelle with all my heart I'm not letting her go. I just can't believe she would lie to Desiree and Ms. Anita.
She never lied to them before. Now she got a baby thinking she all grown. A baby don't mean shit. It only mean you having sex. I'm so outdone. Brice and Michelle make a good team. They lie so much they believe they own lies. It's ashamed dog. They going to say I'm obsessed, but when I get out I'm going get my baby back and I stand on that as a man. She not getting caught up with no bum like Brice. It's only the beginning. If I gotta kill him I will. I want my family back & I'm going to make that happen.
Conversation between Desiree and Anita
Girl can you believe all of this is happening. Maybe we shouldn't have let Jacolby know she was here. I feel so bad now. We didn't see her in months and we almost lost her again. Desiree I feel like I'm failing her. I thought the man of her dreams was the one now he wants to kill her and it's shocking. We looked for months. Search parties after search parties and she still was missing. Is it even possible for him to do that. Maybe every time we got closer he moved her.
I just can't believe any of this right now. He doesn't look like the type to do that. Do you have any back ground on Brice. Maybe he's pressuring Michelle to say and do all that. I don't think she would lie to us Anita. I know my child and I've been around Jacolby long enough to know he wasn't lying. He brought me a house and Michelle dream house and a building to pursue her dream career. If he wanted to hurt her and killed her why would he do all that. Answer that question for me. He got very close with us.
    He never showed a flaw. Why would he set himself up to get shot while he bonded her out of jail. While she was in jail he put her in protective custody and made sure she was safe at all times. If he wanted her dead he could've let it happen then. Something is not right and I know this for a fact. Maybe we can ask Michelle ourselves and see if we can tell if she's lying or not. Earlier it was just so shocking, but I was so relieved to see her. We have to get to the bottom of this.

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