Chapter 24

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Brice POV
Today is the big day. I decided to go buy Michelle a ring. I don't know how she's going to react. We've been doing good these couple of months. She's even been working. She hasn't got in contact with her family or simply looked back on the life she used to have. I'm pretty sure if Michelle talked to Jacolby she wouldn't still be here. She could've been escape long time ago when I got her a job. I'm happy I let her do her and trusted her. This just showing me she's finally in love with me.
      She made me trust her after the things I put her threw these past months. She's been working hard and she's so dedicated to her work. She cooks and clean and still manage to have time for me. I honestly think I won this challenge and she isn't going back to Jacolby. She even let me break her virginity. It's been five months and she's been falling for me since the beginning. I had to show her I wasn't no lame nigga. I could make money with out the gang and selling drugs. Honestly this change in my life has been good.
Michelle turned me into a man and gave me unconditional love even when I didn't deserve it. She held up her end of the deal and proved her loyalty even when I didn't deserve it. I made her life a living hell and she embraced it and continue to build me up and never tear me down or made me feel ashamed of the situation. I had to literally kidnap her to prove that I'm better than that clown ass nigga. I just want to marry her and give her all my babies and live happily ever after.
Dr. Racheal Knight POV
      Hi, Michelle my name is doctor Knight. They ran all kinds of test on you to see why you've been vomiting and light headed. Do you want your husband to come in the room with you? Please go get Brice for me. Well Mr. Brice we have some life changing news here. Michelle even though you're still getting periods you're 8 weeks pregnant, so your body as been working to grow this lil bean you have in you. I'm going to put some jelly on your belly, so you can see your lil bean.
It's small since you are only 8 weeks. You have 32 more weeks to go. I will be here for your journey. We will start off with 2 appointments a month to see if the periods will stop or go through your whole pregnancy. I want to keep an eye out on that. Since your new in town. I would love to be your doctor and care for you and your child. I know your speechless, but yes you are a mother now. Don't work too hard and make sure you watch your diet until we can found out what's causing the bleeding.
Michelle POV
I'm so shocked right now. My mouth is wide open. Brice I thought you used a condom? What if I would've caught a disease or something? Answer me how is this possible. Soon as I let you bust it up. I'm busy up with a baby. I should've waited. I know we moving up in our situationship or what ever, but you ain't had to hit that low and get me pregnant. They going to think you raped me or some shit and besides we ain't even married. I can't even be mad, because babies are a blessing.
Well I know my mom will be so happy. No matter the situation babies are a blessing and she just going to have to accept our family. Yes I said our family. After these past months of both of us growing personally I think we deserved this baby. I think it's time to call the bet a quit. I love you Brice and we are parents now. I'm going to stick with you until times get rough and I'll still be here. I'm going to call my mom and let her know my whereabouts and I'm not coming back.
I'm safe so that's the only thing that should matter. I can't stress my self out. I've been living life and it's been lovely. I'll have to call Jacolby to tell him the engagement is over. If I say I love Jacolby I'll be lying. All this is his fault anyway. He want to be a thug like he Tupac. Now he has to move on and live his life cause we definitely will. I know they going to be mad cause I choose Brice, but is something about him make my whole world light up. He loves me inside out.
Anita POV
     Omg, I'm so happy I could finally hear your voice. Is they treating you bad? Did you escape ? Do you need us to help you? Where are your Michelle Nicole? Mom slow down I'm ok and I'm happy with my life. I'm in Denver, Colorado. Can I come see you then Michelle? Yes mom, I'll buy you a plane ticket for first thing in the morning. Bring my nanny with you. I have some excited news. I'm not going to ruin it over the phone. Call me when y'all land, so I pick y'all up and don't tell Jacolby.
Desiree Michelle called me and told me to tell you pack a suitcase we are going to Denver tomorrow. You finally heard from her. Did you get the scoop or was it short and brief? She said she had some exciting new D. She's working now, her own car and house. She's really doing good for herself. I thought she was dead somewhere. The whole time my baby bringing get paid. I just want to know who kidnapped her and how she got a away and never told anyone that she was free. Maybe she didn't want to go back to jail.
Jacolby POV
     Hey Michelle, it's so good to hear your voice. Where are you? Can I see you ? Can you at least FaceTime me, so I can see that your ok. Ok answer Jacolby. Damn girl you look different. You look so fine and you then got thicker than a snicker. How did you escape? Why you ain't call nobody? I miss you. I haven't stop looking for you or thinking about you. How's my future wife doing? I'm good Jacolby. I got my own house, own car and own money. I'm independent like Webbie said.
I just called to flex on you and break your heart. I found someone up here that treats me good and love me inside and out. He lets me be independent. He changed my heart for the best, brought life in the world and he's going to walk me down the isle on my wedding day. I'm over you. Those couples months detoxed you out my system. Maybe I really didn't love you. I definitely don't love you now tho. So Michelle you mean to tell me your leaving me and you let this nigga fuck before marriage and his clown ass got you pregnant. Jacolby It's 2020 the year already fucked up. Bye Jacolby . Hello new beginnings and motherhood.

Do Y'all Think She Really Love Brice Or It's Only Because She's Pregnant? Comment your Opinions?

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