Chocolate and Small Talk

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Your P.O.V

I had been unpacking when I heard a knock on the door. A little nervous about Slender's brothers I ducked down behind the bed before muttering a small, "Come in." The door creaked slowly open and in came the faceless man. Luckily it was the one I trusted most.

“O-oh. Hi Slender.” I said. In a flash he was standing by my side, causing me to jump and fall back onto my bed.

"Hello my child. Are you quite settled in?" He said, his mouth quickly appearing.

“U-um, nearly. I've got a few things left to unpack. But I'm nearly done." I said smiling and sitting up. He smiled.

"Well, after you have finished, would you like to come for a walk?" I tipped my head slightly to the side. "I can show you my forrest."

My eyes lit up a little. I could walk through Slender's forrest!!! Feeling excited, I nodded my head furiously. He chuckled and began to walk back toward the doorway.

"I will see you in a little bit then.” I smiled and nodded at him. With newfound vigour, I began unpacking the rest of my belongings.

~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

10 minutes later I had finished leaving out a (f/c) hoodie, just in case it got cold. Wrapping it around my waist, I began to walk over to my door, opening it then closing it behind me, before I walked down the stairs. At the bottom, near the door, Slenderman stood looking up at me. I smiled at him as he moved his hand from his side, offering it to me. Blushing a little, I took it. For the first time, I noticed how large his hand was. Reaching around mine in a way that was a little uncomfortable, yet somehow calming, it had to be at least half a meter long. Slender seemed to have noticed too, because his hands and arms shrunk a bit, not drastically but enough so they were in proportion to the rest of his body, instead of hanging down past his knees. Although he must have felt uncomfortable with it, as he quickly morphed into a form that was the same hight as his human one, but he still looked as he did normally. I smiled.

“What?” he said, looking over at me and opening the door at the same time. I shook my head.

“Nothing” I said nonchalantly.

“Child, you seem to have forgotten that I have the ability to read minds. And I thank you for the complement. Not many believe that I look handsome.” He said smugly. I blushed a little, but quickly regained my senses, deciding to not always be pushed around by the man whom currently bound me to him.

“But Slender, why would you have asked what I was thinking about if you could read minds? Unless, of corse, you also forgot you held that ability?” I said back to him, my voice holding as much smugness as it did innocence. From the look on his face, he had not expected me to have answered him back with such wit. “And also, you are quite welcome for the complement, and thank you for allowing me to stay here and for always protecting me. Whether or not you do it because you own me.” I finished. I noticed a VERY faint trace of pink across his face. However, the colour was gone by the time I blinked, perhaps I had imagined it?

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